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    Training!...Oh, and Footy!
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Bong-laap's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Okay, this is what I have in my Aladin's Cave! 6ft Heavy bag. Wing Chun Knives. Wing Chun Pole. Wing Chun Wooden Dummy. Wing Chun Wall bag. Skipping rope. Wrist and Ankle weights. Focus mitts. Stereo. And most important training aid...................the mirror wall!
  2. Wow, I really need to stretch more!
  3. Hi all, I am new here and have enjoyed reading some of the posts on this forum. Lot's of interesting views and information. As you can see my user name is 'Bong-laap', taken from two moves of the Wing Chun system which I train in everyday. I fell in love with the art nearly six years ago now and will soon start my Instructors course so I can pass on what I have been lucky to learn. So there you go, a brief introduction to myself! Hi to all WC and other MA students, teachers and Kung Fu brothers!
  4. Hi, I'm new to this forum and I study Wing Chun Kung Fu under Master James Sinclair.
  5. This sounds interesting. Are there books to be obtained regarding the 24 postures? or is it something that will only be taught in certain Kwoons?
  6. Oops, sorry mate. https://www.ukwingchun.com There you go!
  7. You could try https://www.ukwckfa.com I think we have a school there.
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