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Everything posted by Ginny

  1. LOL Mr Mike they sure do. It is amazing what those lil guys can do and how much energy they have. It is truly a blessing to spend time with them even if it is just watching them run there drills. The best part is watching how excited they get when they relize what the have learned and how excited they are to help others. Thank you all for the welcomes I am still in total aww trying to read everything . hehehe
  2. Is the other person working out with her the type that catches on fast to things? I know My Husband only has to be shown how to do something once where it takes me a few times and while we are working out I start to feel bad thinking I am holding him back from learning. Perhaps when she says something to the fact " I can not do this" Look her in the eyes with a stern look and says somethin like " you can do anything you want to do if you want to do it bad enough" As for the not wanting to kick you as she doesn't want to hurt you I am guilty of that myself when I started LOL I watched my instructors spar and knew how hard they could kick and soo did not want to be on the reciving end of it so tryed to kick them softly as we always heard Tit for tat So if I did not hit them hard they didn't hit me hard .. But after a while of hearing " come on you can do better then that!" and getting bonked in the head with a ridge hand a few times I kinda figured out I could kick them as they are not going to break .
  3. When i have a child that is getting silly or playing around instead of paying attention and trying to go along with class I find that they influence the others to do the same.. I figure they are getting board so quickly throw in some fun stuff Our kids love the Obstical(?) courses This gets them moving and active and during the course we add in what we happened to be working on such as.. Start with jumping with one foot threw some rings then an instructer would be at the kid kick and the would do the front snap kicks with the front leg then over to the blockers we do a 4 peice thing ( upper block upper block down block down block) They love this one to see how fast they can get it . Then over threw the tunnel ( LOL there is one that loves to try to slide threw it ) Then up and over the under the poles and then to the other kid kick with snap kick useing the back leg. and then if they get threw it fast we add on to it Not only are they gettinga work out they are learning how to use there skills as well as listening to direction and I have found that they learn to cheer each other on. and be supportive of each other. But ofcourse this is with the very young ones.
  4. How old is the " Kid" ? If it is possable I would say to just smile and ignore the fact he has a crush becouse if he is put on the spot he may not return to class or to Martial arts period. Though if he makes advances perhaps have another instructer talk to him saying he has noticed it instead of you putting him on the spot.
  5. Well been reading threw the boards for a few days now and all I can say is WOW!! the amount of info here is amazing! I am Ginny been in Tae Kwon Do for about 6 years now had to take a little break during that time for a few months so still only a brown strip. My Family and I (My Husband and 16 yr Daughter and I ) Teach the little dragons classin out school and the Info on these boards have given me alot of fun ideas and helped me alot to understand things. and wanted to say a big THANK YOU!! for these boards and to everyone who posts here and shares ther advice and tid bits... I found them as I was searching up on the Bo information as I have just started taking the bo class( Good thing the bo is padded and I have a hard head ) Hehe but honestly Great place and Look forward to learning more from all of you .. Ginny
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