What's up.. new to the forum but i've been training muy thai for about 7 1/2 months and it is the best thing i have ever gotten into.... i'm in some of the best shape of my life and i used to be sort of a street fighter but it's a total different story inside the ring but training is great... i'm constantly learning and just can't stop wanting more... It's like crack... GOTTA HAVE MORE
Is there one thing or person in your life that you can think of that you would kill for? If so imagine something really bad happening (basically fighting for someone or something that you love or want to protect is something that cannot be stopped by anyone or anything as long as you fight for that one thing and always have that one thing on your mind then the aggressiveness will come). Give it a shot.... But as you said everyone is different.... Just a suggestion....
Your Body definitely will get tougher... but if you can't over ride the pain with your mind till that happens you'll never get tougher...... and it will always hurt..... Think about it this way....... The pain that you endure only makes you stronger and the harder you train the less it will hurt....