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Everything posted by tsdtony

  1. i dotn what to say other in my studio wich is not tkd.we do contuios contct meaning as much powere as you want and we dsomnt stop untill the other person sayes i quest.I fell if you dont spart the same way you would defind your self your cheating yourself.My grandmaster alswes told us youll defind your self the way you train.wich means if you dont spar realisticly thean youll be more likly you fight like your in a sparring match.also i fully agree with your instructor sparring people who ask.I fell this show confedince and respect to the art.I have seen people challing the gm he lets theam know it a contact art thean if thay still want to he procedes to uses theam as punching bag.Only because he fills its disrespactfull to go into someone studio and challing theam.as for whats leagel in sparring in are class is everything but braking bones we can use sweeps and chokes joit locks.but we tend to be a bit rough for most people.IN ma matter of 3 weeks i busted my ear drum and broke my shin.all in sparring actully the schin i broke sparring during my testing.
  2. dont get me rong i dont look down on tkd at all.I dont mean any disrespect to the art with my comment and i dont base the whole art on sport tkd.Thats way i put most schools.now with that out of the way I dont see any comecton between the two arts .One tkd is korean formd arround 1955.Kenpo is a tradisonal martial arts ben around for centures i belave not really shure on exact date.for one there macanices for troung kicks and punces is completly difrent than in tkd.Also in kenpo thay stess the use of joint locks and selfdefince holds much more than thay do in the tkd schools i have seen.Tkd also belives in the internial and spiritule part of the martial arts kenpo does not.Theys are just a few of the difrences i have seen. What i mean by looping kickes.Thats very simple a lot of sport oreanted tkd schools i have seen trough there round kicks and cresent kicks in a huge circuler mostion becasue of this you can see the kick coming a mile away.I have tough seen tkd schools teach you hide your kicks but thay was very few. Once agean i dont mean disrespect to tkd by my post.I fell it is a very butifel art with probly the most athletic marilartis i have ever see.I just fill with all the sport studios out there its very hard to find a tradishonl tkd studio that focuse on manly self defince to were 9 out 10 kenpo schoold do focus on selfdefince
  3. Yes I have seen the perfect wepion.Jeff speakmen is and amzing martial artis .But he is a product of ed parker american kenpo.American kenpo is in my opiounon much difrent than tradisona lkenpo.Dont get me rong bout very devistating but ed parker kenpo seem to foucs on manly hands to were kajikenbo and and tradisonal kenpo tend to use the whole body.American kenpo also uses the whole body but from what i have seen and i have not seen that much ed parker kenpo stres hand speed and strikes.to were kaji is more stres on proper macniqes and power
  4. jeet kune do means the way of the intersepting fist.Hince do = the way=japines translasion of do
  5. thats fynny i know one of my gm 8th degree.Also hold a 7th dagree in kajukenbo emperado method and i was told ther is a difrence between kenpo and kempo so you might want to look into that.Just because ther based of the same thang does not mean thear the same art.But i have seen quit a few kenpo schools and thay do you joint locks and troughs and thay do teach ground defince and counter holds at least the schools i have seen
  6. wel tkd and kenpo have noting in common.TKD for the most part(not all schools just most)is not a selfdefince but more of a contact sport.Kenpo on the other hand is a selfdefince it is bouth a hard and soft styele giving it bout liner and circuler movements.TKD tends to have a lot of looping kicks were kenpo have very few looping kickes.Also kenpo utilize a lot of grapling and joint locks which can be used to brake bones.Also kenp stres using there tecniqes in real life practical situations.As were tkd not all schools but most point spar wich is not practical at all for street self defince. KARATE on the other hand it depinds on wich form of karate your talking about.Some are soft some are hard some are bouth.If i am not mistaken kenpo is a karate.But lets take kiousikan ts one f the most complet sytems youll find in karate.There extramly hardcore in there sparing methods. wich greatly incres your chance of sucsefully defindeing your self on the street.Tahy also do joint lock and grapling and as far as know do use meditaion. I could go on and on for houres about tangsood thats the syel i take but it woul;d be a biast opinon because of me takeing it.I do though recomend people cheacing it out youll find it one of the most well rounded and comprehinsev marial arts you find.I recomend any one who want martal arts for self defince to cheack it out i garente you wont be sorry.
  7. of coars avoid fighting at all cost.but the fact of the matter is you cant aviod every fight.So when put into that situation you need to not heasate to defind your self.Because by the time there attacking you you have already tried to avoide it.There for most likly thay just wouldent let you get out of it in that case by all means run theam into the ground defind yourself.
  8. never encourage a chiled that young to fight.He does need to learn to defind him self but there are better ways.I fell he will think you are condoning violance which might make him more liable to fight the next kid.BUt what were thay fighting for over a toy or a bad name not worth it.I agree when you in a battel never back down but you beang his brouther shouldent of cheard him on.you simply should of watched and when it was done tell him there are better ways.Than get him into selfdefince dont approve fightring in children that young.there not muture anuf to relize fighing isint cool and only should be done when you have no choice.
  9. kenpo-chiness and kempo=japanes and american.Thay are worlds appart completly diffrent.no thay are not prononced the same one has a long m sound and one is pronocend with a short n sound.you will see difrence in the art but youll also see simalartes.As far as i can tell kenpo uses more hand tecniqes than kempo and.Kempo tends to use more joint locks and breaking moves.
  10. one steps are great for showing the macanecs of a teckniqe.But thay do in a way teach you a bad habbit.you get too used to the attack beang troun in the same position. on the street your attacker is not going to trough the same punch froum the same position every time.What we do is incoparet are one steps into sparring so we get used to doing that tecniqe agenst difrent attakes not just the same inside out block to the same old high punch.you dont want your muscel memory to get you hit in a fight.
  11. depinds on what art difrent arts devolp powere difrently.so wile in tkd your right about the momentim but i have see kyosikan and tangsoodo and kenpo fighters trough standing side kicks.With as much if not more powere behind theam as someone troung and jump spinning 360 kick.At the same time there jumpspinning kicks had more powere than there side kicks.Just a thought but iguees that comfurms what your saying.But all youe powere comes froum your hip i belave in tkd and the other 3 arts it comes froum your breathing and hip.But i dont take tkd so i am not sure.
  12. well your right and rong.soobokdo was but is not any more koreas nastional art.Sadly it is tkd now.One of the best ways to find out about koran martial arts history. Is to not go trough the styels history but trough korean history.Youl find a lot more.As far hwang kee ill say it once agean he DID NOT INVENT TANGSOODO.He invented the moodukkwan styel of tangsoodo which used to be called soobokdo.He changed the name to tangsoodo because it was a populer name for martil arts in korea at the time also so it would not be connected to tkd.But tangsoodo/soobokdo never clamed to be ancent.Thay clame to have roots in a 2000 yearold art.wich is not saying my arts 2000 just saying we have roots in that art.OH and by the way if you go trough tkd histor it sayes it was arround 55 it was established.But korean histoy says it was arround 63. Now what do i love about tangsoodo/soobokdo.well thats esey its complexity.Its one of the most well rounded arts i have every seen.As far as excells.our ki tecniqes are the best i have ever seen.not only that the practicle situations.I have never seen another art spar the way we do.No other studios i have ever seen reagularle on weekly basis do 1on1 2on1 and 3on1.
  13. side kick and or spinning back kick.I have more controll with my side kick which has tramendis power.But when i get my back spin kick to land properly i can fell just as much if not more power.
  14. Very well done.I dont think anymore can be said.
  15. rocking heads is and understaement he destoys people.Chuck is ok but if your going with tsd there are many more great tsd gm still alive with much more knowlidge of our art than master norris.But about it not hapining i dont know about the first one.But bouth frank and chuck have studios you could train with bouth of theam
  16. you are right about it not beang a good lead.But the avirage man that would attack you on the street.Most likely has no ma experince.So i think you could lead with a high kick.I dont think he would have the knowlige to know how to defind agenst itThean agean thats the avrige persion there are skilled street fighters that might see it comeing.But the avrige man would get kod by that high kick.As for a boxwers juke as weve seen in k1 thay do juke right into the high kick. Hinse remmy bonjansky and ray mercer and remmy bonjansky and francwa botha.Bout former hevyweight champs.Bouth got beet by a highkick.With that sad what else do you have for me.
  17. lol.I guess your the man i have heard many arguments.Any thing is posible but dont tell me a high kick is inpactical.When your lifes in danger any tecniqes that helps you out is not impractical.And the same thing can be sed or you.I could simply step back as you come in to stuff it or elbow me.and kick your head of.I do agree a low kick is much more practical.I was simply stating a high kick is not a USELESS move.As for a boxer a good martal artist will beet a good boxer anyday.Look at k1 for that.As for only hiting the face with a kick from the clinch lol.I think you would get kicked in the head a lot in my class.
  18. If i am not mistaken tangsoodo and soobakdo bouth incorpirate taek kwon in there art.But I have not heard of any pure studios in the us.But my instructor in gm in tangsoodo and traned in korea.So he would know i will ask him for you and find out if he has heard of any in the us.I have alwes heard good thing about the art froum him.Well i let you know in a few day
  19. Yes you our right i apoligze.I alwess tought we got the word do froum japines.Yes tsd mean way of the chiness hand. I was simply trying to show how we show our influinces.I didnt mean it ment thous things.I was showing how tang was showing respect to our chines influince.Soo was korean and.Untill today when i asked my instructor i tought do was took froum the japines lanweg to show thear influince in our art.But i was rong so i do apoligize PS.sorry for the bad grammer.I will try to improve on it
  20. Well my instructor would chew my head off we called our art taekwondo.But yes tsd is consederd korean karate. the wtsa disputes this but my nstructor was co founder of world.He told us gm hwang kee called it korean karate because of it japines influinces.Thas y its tangsoodo. Tang=chines influinces soo=korean do=japinise
  21. Well a high kick is very usefull in a fight I have used it many times definding my self.So i dont agre with your statement.I can plant my foot in and opinest moth before he can get close anuf to punch or elbow me.Ogf core i am not gunna try a high kick if hes right in mny face.
  22. you can say what you want but the bottom line is.There is higher demind in thai for hardcore training.Thats the way it alwes ben,But wing chun is more speed and flexibilit.As i said befor ill take a thia guy over a wc guy.But styels dont matter you say.ill take any martial artist any day over just some stree fighter.Y a wc can train just as hard thay dont.I dont care if you know one guy who trains hard like thia.IN thie every one trains hard thats there whole art.So y on wc guy might train hard his art in a whole does not train like mt
  23. i would never say its inferior to another art.I am just saying the majority of tkd schools are sport.As for sparing compitions good job.But as i said point spariing is not at all the same as continos contact were your opinot doest stop.
  24. cal worshem 6th dan tkd competed sucsefully in ufc.But i am tired of guys trying to say tkd depinds on which org.I tend to agrea most tkd is sport but thats what thay train for.I do belive if thay traned for defince thay would improve.But were tkd is today its not gunna cut it for selfdefince i dont care wich org your froum .yes there our older tkd instructor that will have great skill. But the art for the most part is sport not selfdefince no matter how you try and sell it.Its sad but the public will only see this side with all the media out there.Hopefully in the future the world will get to see the more tridishola side.SWich does have decit selfdefince that could be praticly used.But thats only a very small group in a great big ocean.
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