Hello, I'm "HARD HITTER" I just wanted to comment on somethimg that goes on alot around northern OH. I know i'm not alone in this. More and more I see unqualified students gaining belts they do not deserve. I'll give you one exampel I saw: "Nick" is very unfit and he comes to kempo class once a week. He has been there longer thean me. I noticed he is 2nd black. He cant stand on one leg past 2 seconds without loosing his balance! I tried to get him to start strength training and he seys he "been there done that" He has all these promotions on his wall. They just give them to him. Well one day he got mouthy, and I lost all controll and went threw a whole kata on him. I'm only 1 belt higher and I won the fight with ease. What i'm trying to say is if you cant earn it It should not be free. { Stan if you read this I'm sorry, I know it caused you trouble with the law}