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Everything posted by JoeDeezy

  1. I have a version of it that is not very good. I was wondering if anyone here had a good write up of Book Set. I imagine it varies now as well between lineages.
  2. damn son, 5 years! you not only need to learn how to move and block, you need to learn how to take a freight train of punishment, just someone beating you for the next 2 months 24 hours a day. You need boot camp, no sleep, just train, pray for rain, pray for snow. You gotta get tough fast. Go the the pool and swim until you drown. You get to prison, just start punching the walls, pushups, situps and squats til you can't see straight, sprinting in place, stay loose, stay flexible. man if you're goin up for something serious, you'll have instant enemies, but hopefully instant friends. stay out of everyone's business, you'll come out alright, you'll be a different person, but you'll survive.
  3. We have men and women in our school. And I give whatever I know my opponent can take, regardless of sex, age, size. You must practice self control at all times. It does no good to hurt anyone who is not, at the time, a mortal enemy.
  4. Ours are different than all previous listed. AKS our belts are: White Yellow Orange Orange w/Stripe Purple Purple w/Stripe Blue Blue w/Stripe Green Green w/Stripe <---my belt level 3rd Brown 3rd Brown w/Stripe 2nd Brown 2nd Brown w/Stripe 1st Brown 1st Brown w/Stripe 1st Black 2nd Black 3rd Black
  5. It was a great class for everyone there. He really is awesome to watch in action right in front of you. At 60+ years old he still moves exceptionally fast and with immense purpose. He's a big guy that looks even bigger when he starts to move. I think my interest in Karate was a 9/10 before that seminar, and easily went to 13/10 afterward. I have been in Karate for 1.6 years now, and am receiving my Green Belt this Friday. After that it's 3 Brown degrees then 1st Black at my school. If you ever get the chance to meet or learn from Joe Lewis, take it, without a second thought. I guarantee it will be one of the best experiences in Martial Arts you'll ever have.
  6. He taught a class last night for 2.5 hours at my school. Pretty cool stuff. Learned a lot. Knuckles were huge, you get that from hitting things all the time? He's very fast too, made the black belts at my school look slow.
  7. we have promotions every month, big school, and most people can go up every 2-6 months depending on time put in.
  8. I was a student at AKS in Newark when I was a kid, and got to Purple, but quit because I really didn't like it. I started again this February almost 20 years later. So it's been about 3 months. I'm there almost every day, almost every class, and love it now, I would go 3-4 hours a day if they would allow it. Just got my Orange stripe (white>yellow>orange>o.stripe>purple...). And I'm looking forward to starting Sparring next week.
  9. Hey, just registered, when i saw your post, cause i train there too. Wondered if anyone else was on here...
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