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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Brentwood California
  • Interests
    reading,learning,listening to music,talking to my friends
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fightingsticks's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. A 3 way cobo, primary Escrima with some muy thai kicks and some wing-chun
  2. 2, ive read that wing chun was specificly designed to counter and exploit the weakness of shoalin styles, and 2, in my opinion Escrima is the best style there is as it focuses on hard hits and never uses a block, but an interupted hit and the sticks can also be translated into empty hand movements and if you are ever in a confrontation with a guy who can box, modern boxing was taken from escrima and introduced by Filipinos in I believe the 20's. If you can take lotosa Escrima. And as not to start a confrontation im not disrespecting any other styles.
  3. 12, before I was trained kid hit me got in a 20 second fight he hit my rock hard for head and jacked up his wrist for a week.
  4. wing block, punch to the mouth, knee to the crotch, you can see where im going.
  5. Sticks are my weapon of choice
  6. 1.You have no idea how bad i want to see it 2. The light side Jedi 3. Dual Sabers, one a Deep Blue color and the other a black dark color, I would use the black one then blue. 4 Obi wan Kenobi and Plo koon, and if he stayed that way the bad * Anikan
  7. It doesent matter, as long as you can use it to survive. But if forced to vote, wing chun.
  8. Reliance on one is no good, a balance is the best, at least for me, I dont train for tournaments.
  9. Hi, my name is Jordan Moomau and Im new to the forum. Id like to get aquanted with the others and learn to now you all. My style is Lotosa Escrima and im picking up wing chun and possibly hun gar.
  10. shadow boxing, or full sparring, I think slow sparring is virtually useless
  11. The mind, a body with out technique is useless, but a mind can use will to overcome a physical weakness, the body cant do the same for the mind.
  12. The same thing in all martial arts, use everything at your disposal to survive and overcome
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