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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Judo, Wing Chun
  • Interests
    Cars, Martial Arts
  • Occupation
    college student

TKDguy's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. the first landing of a strike. sorry.. Andrew
  2. Usually if someone gets the first hit in, usually wins right. unless they block and strik back, but lets get real whats the probability of that happening? I would like to hear your opinions... Thanks, Andrew
  3. Name: Andrew Titles: none Style(s): Close Range Combat Wing Chun Fav Technique: none really, what ever works
  4. when you get on the mat, scream violently at him before you fight.... and then ask him if your pants on your gi makes you look fat... Andrew
  5. Here is a possibility, Karate Practice is a part of your routine now and she sees that, and it is most likely a personlity thing, but you should like suprise her and take her out to dinner or a movie, make her feel like she is your girlfriend again, doing that breaks from your usual routine. she will be on her toes to see what could happen next. Andrew
  6. First, Look straight in her eyes when you talk to her, dont look at her lips or anything or her body.., and dont talk about the weather becuase although they will reply with " yeah it is suppose to be nice tommorrow", they really dont want to be talking about it,humor always works, try that.. and when you are with her, dont like pummell her in the theater or wherever, kind of backoff,women like what they cant have... be cocky and funny.. and oh my god, be SELF confident, and dont try to impress her, because women have a 6th sense were they can read men like a book and know when your not being real with them... I am getting my degree in Date Psychology Andrew, P.S. - have a great time..
  7. yes some have weak joints but not most because, if that were true then body builders wont be as big as they are today...
  8. Ego, I dont know where you got that info from... a Body builder would have a lot more "gas" than the Juijitsu guy. because the body builder is one, a fitness freak therefore has great stamina... and lets not all kid our selves, size matters... what is the juijitsu guy gonna do get him to the ground and try to get an arm bar on him.. I dont think so... on a different note. now a days... a black belt doesnt mean that much to me why... because I have seen instructors who are MAJORLY overweight and go to mc. donalds after class and there is at least one in every "dojo"... Lets get real... "come give me your money and I will give you a black belt" Andrew
  9. Well, Willannem, you know what they say "dont believe everything you see on tv"... Andrew
  10. I bet you most of that is rumors, nobody can say much unless they have actually talked to Steven Seagal in person. that website, I would almost guarentee is a fake, and if its not, can you prove it to me? And the mob thing... LOL... come on guys lets get real, not trying to argue or anything but just think, let it swirl around a bit...lol > still laughing on the mob thing right now.. sigh Andrew
  11. Yes it would be painful, a lot of Hapkido is Joint Manipulation, thats why I said that some people say that Aikido is a peaceful art, I would say that Hapkido is in a way a little bit more paintful than Aikido but that actually depends on the perfon using it.... but, being flipped like that is never fun... lol
  12. Im replying for the movement of the arts. you know they are both circular movements, going with the flow, thats why SOME people say that Aikido is a peaceful self-defense. Also I was saying that because the attacker can still pull on you and try to put you off balance on the throws like Hapkido and Aikido.
  13. everybody has a very good point, thats why people say that hapkido and Aikido is so hard to learn.. why? because its all about the grappling part of it that is difficult yet it can still be learned.
  14. Hi, im really new to chinese martial arts and I would really like to learn Wing Tsun and I googled it and well, I want to hear from some people who actually know it or know of it, so What is Wing Tsun? is it a mix of grappling with striking. Also, could you guys have a video clip of wing tsun. Thanks for your time, Andrew
  15. A martial art is a Martial art is a martial art. Taekwondo is not much different from much karate styles or even muai tai for that reason. lets think about it, karate has puches and so does TKD, karate has kicks, so does TKD, we even do elbows and knees. Anybody can make just about any martial art a sport, didnt everbody know that there is competitionin Judo right?? and judo is a grappling art and is pretty effective in real life yet it also competes..and also the same for Muai Tai and karate, you can practitcally make any martial art a sport. you hit the guy you get a point, plain and simple. NObody can say "well its sport oriented so its a bad martial art". everybody has to remember that know martial art is completely perfect. A muai Tai boxer can try there famous thigh kicks to a TKD guy or a Karateka and all he has to do is move and elbow to the nose... done, fight over.
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