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goju freek

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Everything posted by goju freek

  1. i train with IOGKF in Canberra Aus. We have approx 9 different Goju schools in canberra mine IOGKF, and one Goju Kai with Sensei Tino Ceberano if it counts. The others dont have any major links or associations that im aware off. So for 300,000 people there are nine schools with approx 14 dojo's in total some with roots to Miyagi one way or another. And strangly we actually all get on pretty well to. cheers
  2. What ive found seems best is words rather than logos. If you put Karate, Goju, etc on it will still mean the same in 50 years. However if you put on the IGK logo or similar the orgainisation may no longer exist, get bad press or you may move.
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