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Everything posted by lucifersdad
ok, i'll be more specific wado ryu?
just in karate? i really want to know 'cos im gonna nominate her for an mbe/obe or something in that line
r u better at patterns or sparring?
lucifersdad replied to Jane_Doe's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
probably forms, i compete in both to a decent level but i think i have more of a love for forms so i seem to take more in forms sections! -
hey, i was training to night and i had a thought, my shihan is a 6th dan in wado ryu karate and a 5th dan in muchindo karate, a first dan in ju jitsu and a firstdan in both kobojutsu and bojutsu, and technically disabled, due to two "accidents" sparring years ago, does anyone know of another woman that is higher qualified and recognised by legitamate govening bodies? just wondering
What do YOU take to a tournament?
lucifersdad replied to rivergirl's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
i think just about everything was covered except one problem, you said your taking your kids, so: gameboy or such type thingy pillow (they are seriously long days) and a baby sitter (becouse we all need a little solitude before we compete) ive been taking kids to tournaments for years and the hardest part is keeping them entertained after that competeing is a piece of cake!! -
Sunday Tournaments
lucifersdad replied to Kicks's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
all my tournaments are held on a sunday, from my own associations invitational to national opens. works well for me as saturday is the only day i can hold my classes. -
kumite, id have to go for alfie lewis, kevin brewerton, nathan lewis, shaun viera, but those aare mainly sport karate/freestyle and kata, jon frenette and my all time favorite paul law
in his defence he spent a lot of years studying muchin-do karate and then his club, as did most muchin-do clubs, swapped to wado ryu as the styles are very similar, and he unlike many went back to white belt and started again rather than keeping the dan grades he already had. plus, we have very strict time frames for gradings and i dont think a 5th dan is particulaly low for thirty years training im only a second dan and have been training 12 years? are these low grades for the time?
thanks for all the advice, the trouble is ive been with this organisation for about 12 years and i still have loyalty if not to my instructor then definatly to my students, when ive tried to ask him about changes that are going on i get the classic avoidence of "im a bit busy, can we talk later?" maybe you guys are right, i should cut and run!
help, im starting to think im in a mcdojo, ive been training with my sensei for about 10 years, i transfered from another school as my previous instructor decided to brake 3 of my ribs when i beat him sparring (i was 13!) i moved schools becouse the new instructor seemed professional and really into the art (wado ryu karate) but recently ive noticed some strange things: 1/ after 30 years in karate hes decided to start teaching kickboxing instead, 2/ when asking him about kata he always says "ask later. im busy" (hes a 5th dan!) 3/ hes cancelled hes clubs outside hes full time studio, leaving me the only person in his school teaching traditional karate 4/ hes cut down my classes to only 2 hours a week for grades white belt to advanced dan plus the usual increase in prices, the pushing of inferior unneccasary equipment for higher prices etc. some advice would be nice, should i stick it out and see what happens or run and find a new school before i lose all love for the arts? thanks in advance
top ten head guards, and either topten or SAP x-line boots and gloves, gotta go for macho shin pads, and yeah rek suits for sparring, blitz "white diamond" for kata
not everyone can do the splits but your best bet is to read up on PNF stretching (proprioceptor neuromuscular fascilitation) ive tried and studied loads of different types of stretching and PNF seems to be the safest and most effective method
WADO RYU KARATE well, wado ryu means "way of peace" and it's base technique is tae-a-sabaci or body evasion, it was founded by hironori otsuka who was origionaly a ju-jitsu ka who trained with gitchin funakoshi in shotokan, the style is basically fast and utilises the snap on the end of a technique rather than powering through and using brute force, it has a lot of kata/forms training which is the basis of all technique, it is fairly leggy for karate and has an almost taekwondo-esque range of kicks. the body evasion part is important as as well as meeting force head on we try to maitain the attackers energy and re-direct it, almost like aikido, at low levels it is mainly striking based but at higher grades grappling is introduced, at advanced dan level the grading syllabus is nearly all grappling based. basically a well rounded style! im not going to say its the best style as that would be narrow minded and foolish but its the best style for me, and god knows i've tried a lot!!
tricks and flips? surely we do martial arts because we love it? some people like doing tricks and flips, i am one of those people. do it, enjoy it and remember (without insulting anyone!!!) most people that have a go at xma, freestyle forms and generally tricks and stunts are those that cant do them or have tried and fallen on their faces! tricks take a lot of practice and time and skill, if you want to do them badly enough you will!
easy! for this one i would say refer to the martial artist holy book, the hagakure, it says in that (and i dont mean apply it to everyday life but you can if you wish) "live everyday as though you are already dead, that way you can perform the tasks in hand effecitvly" basically when i enter a tournament i dont worry about what might happen i think more about the job in hand and just get on with it! plus if its points fighting the worst that can happen is you get hit 10 times, if its kata your only up there till you finish your kata and if you train properly its not like your gonna forget it! main point, relax and enjoy it, after all we do this for fun!!
id have to go with kama! failing that a good solid bo tends to be helpful
i suppose it tepends on what you want the kama for? if its open tournaments you maybe should have a look at xma or g-force kama especially if its for freestyle weapons forms but if its traditional forms listen to the other guys!
Favourite throw
lucifersdad replied to Kreisi's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
i like an o soto gari dummy followed by a harai goshi, i fould people will counter the o soto gari by leaning straight into the harai goshi, give it a go i like it! -
hi, https://www.bilang.com is quite a good one one https://www.sportsmartialarts.com has good links and anything by mike chat or steve terrado is excelent (these guys will blow your mind!) failing that just search in google for extreme martial arts, tricks or trikz , or the us open, ive found some amazing stuff! as someone has already said, not practical! but its very difficult and very impressive!
hi, yes it is possible but as people have already said it has no practical use whatsoever, i personally love tricks and have taught a 40+ year old woman to do a 360 back kick in a bout 20 minutes and she had been training a little over 2 years, but having said that i teach a 11 year old kid with 4 years training who cant do a 180 back kick never mind a 540 or 720 kick so i suppose it depends on you and how much you wanna do the kick, although tricks arnt held in very high asteem (sp?) they are very hard to learn and perform, ive had to teach myself and ive had more injuries doing tricks than i have sparring and i fight on a national level! from points to mma. best thing to do is work on your flexibility and explosive power and just keep trying it over and over again, its all a question of how much you want it!!
hi, ive been down graded or demoted a couple of times, when i was young and stupid (or rather younger and more stupid!) the first time i went from 4th kyu to 8th kyu for showboating whilst fighting at my club, but was given it back quite quickly when i had seen the error of my ways and the last time was from shodan to 2nd kyu for being very disrespectful to my instructor (and lets leave it at that!) ive also had the pleasure of down-grading my own students but always for good reason, unfortunately im under the rules of a cheif instructor so i cant down-grade some people that id really like to! i think if its used properly it can really help turn a student around, but ive also seen it backfire quite badly!
hi, im trying to find some people i trained with ages ago and wondered if anyone could help. im trying to find a mr. Chris Ellis, he used to fight on the open curcuits and i think hes from the leeds area of yorkshire, the last time we spoke he was a 2nd degree in taekwondo. im also trying to find anyone that was in the a.i.m.a.a. england squad around 1999, under the coaching of mr. Dave Hardman, any help would be much appreciated!! thanks!
we have a chain of McDojo's near me, i know a guy that got his second dan in 6 months!!!!! and its not unheard of for 8th kyu's to be given there own clubs, wear black belts and tell there students its rude to ask your instructor his grade! i dare not mention their name as they have already (un-successfully) tried sueing the e.k.g.b. because they called them "cowboys" in a news letter......
thanks, were abouts in yorkshire are you from? and do you do tournaments? if so i might know of you already.
hi, just thought id say hello to everyone and say a little about myself, ive been training in the arts for about 15 years but seriously for only about 12. my base style is wado ryu karate, but i also train/have trained in: tang soo do taekwon do (itf and wtf) kickboxing muay thai vale tudo atemi jiu jitsu tomiki aikido shotokan muchindo freestyle karate traditional and freestyle weaponry and a couple of bits that arnt worth mentioning, im currently a second dan in wado and am waiting approval to take my third (politics!) i compete on a regular basis on the british open curcuit, and im looking for sponsorship , anywho , hello!!!