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Sensei Isshinryu

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Isshinryu, Kobudo, Jukado, Aikido
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Education
  • Occupation

Sensei Isshinryu's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Excessively much emphasis placed on grading. After 29 years of training, I am a Yon-Dan. I am not looking for promotion but true learning. Now, at 15 years young I do not believe she is mature enough to be a sho-dan never mind ni-dan. Minimal time before promotions and such seems more a moneymaker than true learning. I know there are individuals that may disagree with that. I am open for discussion.
  2. Truly interesting forum. I have to add that although we focus on the three systems of Okinawa being Naha-Te, Shuri-Te, Tomari-Te every town and district had a system of there own with all systems having a Te (handing) ending. An example of this would be if you lived in Edison New Jersey I would call it Edison-Te. Another way systems developed was the family name system's. So to focus or to say the original systems of Okinawa it will be a great deal more than the main three. Just a thought
  3. Having the privilege to train one on one with Master Uezu and Uechi Sensei for six years in Okinawa I have to say the amount of knowledge and precise applications that Uezu has are by far superior to both Master Shimabukoro sons. Let me clarify some things for you all. Sensei Uechi is now the head representative for OIKKA under Master Uezu. Since Uezu stroke, he has not the abilities to run neither his dojo nor the organization. It is still deeply imbedded in his soul and that love will NEVER diminish. Master Uezu's love for the art and his mentor surpass anyone I have ever meet, and I have meet them all. Each one of the posting hits on truths and yes there is a great deal of politics. Master Uezu primarily love is karate and never wanted to go against the grain. For this reason he allowed Kichiro to head up Isshinryu. That lasted when Kichiro business prevailed over the true teachings. In fact, Kichiro was only a Yon-Dan before taking over the helm. Not much is discussed with the younger son in this matter. For family matter he has not spoken to Kichiro for some time now unless truly had too i.e.: funerals, est... I can write and write on this matter but the man born to a Samurai family has deeply changed my life. Thank you Master Uezu.
  4. Dillman is just a showman of the true masters of the art. I have had the opportunity to train with S. Oyata and various other Masters in Okinawa. I can say that Kyushu Jutsu and tuite are for real. It takes a great amount of practice and study. We CAN NOT learn them from video, books, or any other form of literature. Only with a true Master of the Arts. I was told there are three plains of the Martial Way. First we kick and punch, then we advance to Kyushu Jutsu, lastly we attain tuite, the true underling study of Bushido. I am in no way downplaying any art, system or belief just expressing my 30 years of experience.
  5. Hi all, First post to this fourm. A bit about myself. I have been a practitioner of Isshinryu Karate since 1975. I first began training with Joel Buckles from Bayonne NJ (sorry miss spelled his name) until 1978. Then I trained with Phil Moilinero and still with him today. I have trained in Okinawa from 1991 until 1995 with Master Ungi Uezu. I have had great fortune to have trained with many of the Okinawan Masters and have meet Master Shimabukoro prior to his death. I have been inactive for two years now due to injuries but will go back soon. I hold Isshinryu the foundation of my being and I do supplement with other styles like Escrema, Aikido, Kobudo, and other forms of Martial Arts.
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