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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan Kobujitsu
  • Interests

Sandan's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. To be, whenI got my black belt there was a period of being well lost for a while. I felt that I had done all this work and now I was a black belt and I didn't know what it meant for a while. To me it is really a stage of having much more responsibility and stepping up to the mark so as to speak. I have now been a black belt for years and I can see the difference in people around me who are just gaining their black belt. I've had to work hard in the meantime to maintain this level and so it's no surprise that along the way I've learned a considerable amount and have learned most of that by passing on what I know.
  2. i've drive all round London to get to my class. As anyone who knows the M25, it's a hell of a drive!!
  3. 15 years... too long if you ask me. You should have a good grasp of the basics by about the 5th year. After that you begin to study karate!
  4. I was there last year and i trained at a course. It's going to be very hot so drink a drink called Pocari Sweat, it's got lots of salts etc. in it that will make you feel better and it's not like drinking water that will just go through you. Also visit Kamakura and Kyoto, these are must sees. Also go to Funakoshis grave.
  5. Why would you even ask such a question???
  6. Sandan


    I take them from 6, though I asked one person last class his age and he said 'my mommey said I'm 6', but I'm only 4 really!
  7. I'm curious, what is the name of the course and who is running it? Do they have a website?
  8. I did and you tell us that you are training with them, but that they are not involved in the grading process/course that you're doing. I've been teaching for years and I constantly remind my students not to learn katas from books etc. 'cause they do get confused. By all means use the book as a reference but that's it really. Sure let us know how you get on, btw how much did you pay for this?
  9. Yes, I agree with most of the above, but you must alse realise that your karate will evolve with you body so it's important to change your training as you get older and work on things such as Tae Sabaki!
  10. Don't tell me you actually believe that you can teach yourself karate at home?? Sure I'd be out of business if that was the case. You 'learn' karate when you are in situations where you have to be creative or else you get creamed!! I'm an instructor but I still put myself under pressure to train with other groups so that I am constantly challenged. You cannot get that at home. Also where will your inspiration come from if you are hidden away at home. I have learned so much from watching the way other people do karate, not even that I learn lots from the way that they talk about karate... you definately can't get that at home!
  11. Sorry, still not convinced. Black belts are awared, in fact all grades are awared on merit and technique. A Sensei will judge the person and their karate not just their karate. I can't see a home study course being recognised in my dojo have to say.
  12. Yea, I've beent here too! Problem as I see it is that many of the girls probably don't want to face you as you're over powering them. I wouldn't worry though, keep sparring the guys and work on speed and timing. If you have to face the other girls help them along and see if they improve
  13. I can't see the point to be honest. I do supliment my training with work at home but I can't see how it could be that you'd learn from doing a course at home. If it was preperation for a grading then fine, but the question I would pose to you would be what do you get at the end of the course... and who tests you?
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