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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    American Kenpo,Tracys kenpo, Ackks
  • Location
    Bellmawr New Jersey (USA)
  • Interests
    martial arts(like u did't know)
  • Website

lonekimono10's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. How so?? and let me throw this out there why do we(kenpo people) use circular movments, and does anyone know WHY IT IS USED AT ALL
  2. Hey Sean you can brorrow some of mine(pictures) i have a lot to go around
  3. I like to know something, how old r u people in here? i'm sorry but i see someone saying that we have "COOL NAMES" for the teq"s anyone who has something to do with kenpo /Parker/Tracy knows that we have "code words" for the teq's
  4. I really don't care much about the people who buy them knowing they don't mean anything. I think it casts a poor light on the Martial Arts, in general, but you will find such things in every line of human endeavor. The reason I cannot stand these offers is because they will convince some unsuspecting people that they have learned enough to defend themselves ("Wow! I earned my Black Belt!"), when they have actually probably not gained any appreciable level of skill at all. They are taking money from the ignorant, and possibly endangering their victim by filling their heads with false confidence. I feel most sorry for that gentleman/lady who ends up bleeding out in the street, because they felt they knew enough to fight off a knife-wielding dirtbag. and i agree with you,you said it right,
  5. yes there is a secret, don't tell anyone
  6. Hello Cobosan tell G.Master Dillman that i said Hello, we go way back to the old days in Hamberg P.A
  7. well i would be some what of a" momaluke" if i did'nt know it is called the universal sign, we use it in kenpo i just happen to like the red one,but it really is black and white, and it is on the left shoulder of your gi. if you go to my site and than go to picture you will see what i mean. to make this short it's the way the hands move, and it gets deeper than that. hope that helps.
  8. please gp tp my site and it will show you what the belt order is. https://www.ackks.com
  9. oh yes here is one of them (dojo) https://www.njkenpo.com he teaches parker kenpo but look on the site and see if you can fine who he has rank under?? you can't and its not Mr Tatum.
  10. Now ,Now people lets all have an open mind, there is some good to this,you see the certs can come in handy, its not that bad like when you are in the BATHROOM you know the rest nuff said
  11. you train in Parker kenpo, look kenpo_fighter please go to my web site and it should shed some lite on this whole thing, it will tell you were i came from , because i was in parker kenpo also. let me know what u think??
  12. Sorry kenpo fighter i have to add this,Emperado was a SR student over Mr Parker when they both still were with chow,after Mr Parker left Emperado did not go with Parker, he started KAJUKENBO , so you see you have his name on the line,and i can see what you mean but if someone who did not know anything about kenpo would think that Emperado went with parker,hope you understand what i mean source from kenpojoe.
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