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White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. damn straight yoda breaking a knee is alot harder than anyone here seems to realise. Also are you guys in a vacuum? you have to break the guys knee to finish things? whats going to happen when the cops show up? if you kick him in the knee and he reacts, thats your opening to close with another technique. Also remember that foolowing thru means you commit and any counter he might be doing will certainly have the energy behind it from you to be effective.
  2. hmm thye have small dogs in china i think i bet he wouldn't try that sneaky no shadow kick stuff on my 80 pound american bulldog they be pickin up bits of him for weeks
  3. footwork is the key alright than a severly debilitating attack such as a bill jee eye jab or some such
  4. The History Channel will air an episode of Modern Marvels, Tuesday, May 7th (unknown time) about "Swords, Axes, and Knives" which will feature ARMA. The Association for renaissance martial arts is one of the best current groups exploring the lost Western Martial traditions and training techniques.
  5. more than i can count, at least 20 just a by product of a mispent youth, but still i don't regret them, same with the piercings,though i only have my tongue still pierced. Don't get a tatoo unless you expressing something from within yourself, permanent fashion is not a good idea becasue fashions change. I have always found fashion a silly exercise, in general one should not do anything becasue of fashion, but be true to yourself, if you want to do something do it, but do it proud and don't be whiney about it.
  6. Well iregardless of whether someone is taught in a seminar environment or at the California school, being certified is being certified. Also i KNOW he is an old student of Guro Inosanto and my old teacher trained with this man. I am sure he has the knowledge i just think he is expressing his teaching of JKD in a karate like way.
  7. Yes you are right its Guru Inosanto and no i won't be sending you the name of the school, just wanted to see if anyone out there is seeing JKD schools like this. I still have to respect the guy for being taught by Guru Inosanto, he just has a different idea of martial arts training than i am used to i guess.
  8. langenschwert, or better yet the 45 inch grosse Messer hanging on my wall. Grosse Messer is the german big knife from the middle ages. Any longsword is nice, katanas too but i like that big European hilt. For personal protection i'll take a serrated knife or a ASP police baton. or even better is my deadly Iron Finger of death, which i will shove right throough you hehe *runs madly at you with his iron finger extended*
  9. I just recently re started my JUn fan / JDK training after many years off. Both the teacher I had and the Teacher i have now are trained by Inosanto. We trained in a small warehouse and freely mixed all the elements of the JKD curriculum, junfan, savate, muay thai, kali/escrima, silat,etc. No belts and long classes with hard training, in a relaxed atmosphere. Now the class I am in has a karate like belt system, in a tight karate style atmosphere and those damn pyjama pants, they even yell karate style. Worse yet they dole out the training in tiny driblets, and it is forbidden for lower ranked students to watch the higher level classes. Even worse yet they have managed to shove some karate style kicking in there, most especially the step sideways, backstep sidekick. Which just horrifies me with its wasted motion. All this is very strange to me and I wonder if this is becoming the way of the JKD school system on the inosanto side or if this is some aberation being the expression of a teacher with too many years in karate or something? When we trained we did 3 hours, with at least an hour on trapping or knife. now We do 1 hour classes now and maybe 10 mins of trapping. Trapping can not be learned in short bursts like that Oh yeah i forgot the contracts stuff and the whole way they first dealt with us, total karate school tactics. My instinct screamed to run, but i kept telling myself, this man is Inosanto trained. Perhaps i was just too used to my old teacher style of teaching and training. I am half expecting to be given a ninja mask and some tabi to work out in next [ This Message was edited by: bludhall on 2002-03-21 08:13 ]
  10. You people have no clue what makes a drug addict..... criminalizing them doesn't help them, treatment helps. hundreds of years ago mental patients were mistreated becasue people were too stupid to deal with it. Today drug addicts suffer because people are too stupid to see it as a disease.
  11. Stright blast starting with either hand in either lead followed by an elbow or 2 and a knee then a headbut to knew combo. Of course it is best fitted to the person you are beating on For my preferred weapon i would have to say European longsword, or perhaps a combat rapier both which are devastating weapons.
  12. Sorry but i have to disagree with some of you. I trained in Wing Chun before i got into JKD. I found it top be a very impractical and even uncomfortable art lacking a great many things. Combat is more than punching. Training in JKD wing chun was liberating to say the least. in answer to the age old JKD style or concept argument. Whatever you beleive i think a base in Jun fan gung fu is necessary , its the base of efficiency to work the many arts you might train from. Otherwsie you get all wound up in the inefficiencies of each of the arts.
  13. I am not sure if any of you are aware of the current rennaissance underway in the Western martial arts (WMA). There are groups springing up all over the world. The weaponry of the European arts is extremely diverse. Longsword, sword & shield, polearms, axes and hammers just to name a few. here are a few relevant websites ARMA http:thehaca.com AEMMA http://aemma.org
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