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  • Martial Art(s)
    American Chinese Kenpo
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Kenpo, Programming, Humor
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Kenpo-Sloth's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Totally Cool!! In Attacking Mace, How about after the Left Inward Block, a Left Snake Punch to the chin, then the right punch to ribs, etc... etc... (I assume you already broke his foot ) ALSO In Attacking Mace, While delivering a right punch to the ribs, retract the Left and deliver an elbow strike to the second attacker behind you, etc... etc... This stuff is cool!!
  2. I have a different opinion (big surprise on a message board) I would have to say, my current teacher, Master Elmer. Just like the old question about Karate styles, It's not about, which teacher is best, it's about which teacher is best for you. I like his style of teaching and he is very patient (he has to be with me fumbling around the Dojo floor) That doesn't mean I wouldn't go to every seminar SGM Ed Parker gave
  3. I like it Looks like your styles profile is correct, you are truly a Master of Sarcasm Sorry people, I can't remove this thread, so i'm gonna keep going OK, in Grasp of Death - How about a left hand palm strike to the face after the arm bar and prior to tracking down the right arm to check - also after the right vertical punch, how about a left hand backfist to the face/temple as you recoil the right arm ???
  4. Sir, I've stated on various posts, I'm an ACKKS Yellow Belt (Foundation Rank) and I've been training for 1+ year under Master George Elmer Jr., sorry if there was any confusion Ah, now it all makes sense!! Here is my website: Rick's Kenpo Training Blog Have some patience, I'm only learning
  5. Thanks for the replies!! Sorry, I'm afraid you've Failed You mean everyone's not in the same system as I am I apologize for the narrow focus of this post Through this forum, I'm learning about other systems, but I'm a very slow learner.
  6. Yes, Yes Don't forget the Leopard; and "The Tiger" is a whole nother thread!! Is "nother" a word I feel cheated DKizzle has 2 more swords than I have??
  7. Thank you everyone, your replies are very interesting!! Keep them coming I thought other systems used code words like we do in Kenpo, it helps me to remember and gives a tiny bit of insight into what an unknown technique will be doing or defending against. Here are a couple links listing code words for Kenpo techniques: First Link Second Link I do agree with you, technique names are not important, but I try to associate certain technique names with certain principals they teach: Delayed Sword - Marriage of Gravity A technique name creates a picture of motion in my head WELL SOMETIMES IT DOES!!! so all I have to do is think Delayed Sword when trying to graft things together and at my foundation rank, I need all the help I can get!!!
  8. Yes Sir, We have the same. Here is a link for ACKKS techniques: ACKKS Techniques Extensions required above Yellow Belt and we students develop our own Often in class we will learn EPAK techniques, they are posted on the opposite wall from our ACKKS techniques. It's all motion, It's all good, It's all Kenpo Do you follow the 16, 24, 32 or a variation??
  9. We have Passing The Horizon in our System ACKKS as an Orange Belt Technique. Is this similar to yours?? Attack: Arm lock from behind (right side) Start of Ideal Phase Step back left foot, drive left elbow into face, counter grab right hand, spin out CW while applying a wrist lock, (forcing attacker to bend forward) left kick to chest, left elbow to spine or straight arm into shoulder joint End of Ideal Phase We create our own extensions.
  10. Excellent point, in our system ACKKS, techniques are used to teach us various principals of motion and power, however I was hoping to learn a little about other system's techniques.
  11. In your style, do you have many techniques?? Are the names hard to remember?? Do you have code words or naming conventions?? A technique by any other name, would it hurt as much??
  12. Great Subject, I don't do tournaments, but when I started training I questioned why all the begining techniques seemed to be designed for Right Handers. Later I realized-- What I thought was my biggest disadvantage became my biggest advantage!! A technique's Ideal Phase may be designed for the Right Hander but a Martial Artist needs to be ambidextrous and one way to do that is use the opposite hand as the primary hand as often as possible. We Leftys are at home on either side!! But just try to find a Left-Handed catchers mit, Left-Handed fishing reel, etc... And thank goodness for computers, because my hand always smeared my writing
  13. Some of us live that dream!!! Thus all things return to their root, and because there is no separation between them and their source; their return goes unrecognized. -Lao Tzu
  14. Well said!! I may not agree with a given post, but after reading all the posts, I do respect the other points of view. This forum is an excellent place to learn. If you teach young Martial Artists, be sure to show them the respect that they have earned no matter the age. Thank you
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