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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Praying Mantis, Kyusho, Kempo, Wing Chun, Small Circle Jujitsu
  • Location
    Mass, USA
  • Interests
    Traveling and teaching
  • Occupation
    Martial Artist

Dao's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. There is so much information about pressure points for both healing, and self defense applications available at most book stores such as Barnes and Noble's or Border's Book stores. Type in Kyusho to any search engine on line and you will find a number of sites with this info also. My Shihan's site is https://www.kyusho.com for a start. Any questions on this subject, I'd be more than happy to answer. Good luck in your search!
  2. I noticed someone mentioned good grappeling techniques can be found in this kata, so has anyone tried doing this kata on the ground? I have, it's amazing how bunkai can change when you take a different perspective on the kata.
  3. Don't be too quick to call a school a Mcdojo. Unfortunately it is a comercial buissines and to keep things going, kids classes are necasary. Unless you find someone teaching out of their house, or in Europe they have clubs, you are going to find that there are alot of shools with Tiny Tiger classes. Judge the school more on the teachers ability to answer questions, and how he carries himself. If anything, ask some of the students as they come out of class about it. Good luck in your training!
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