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Shotokan_Master's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. hi guys n gals, i have recently heard of a very rare shotokan kata called hyakuhachi-ho (suparinpei) and am very interested in learning it any videos wud be gr8ly appreciated thanks
  2. Thanks all
  3. Hiya every 1 i was wanderin if ne 1 could post a video performance of the shito-ryu kata of Annan This is one of my all time favourite competition katas even tho my style is shotokan. however i have noticed that many of the competition winners perform this kata in the finals alot in England. Therefore i would greatly appreciat help on learning this particular kata Many thanks
  4. sorry if my request was a little confusing. What i ment was, i can perform the jumps well but i can not get enough hight. Sorry for any confusion and thanks for the replies
  5. hiya every 1, this is me 1st time on here so i hope im doin this rite. i have been practising karate for 7 years now in England. I am currently training under the instruction of Sensi Mick Davies. Throughout my years in karate i have participated in many kata competitions and have achieved over 300 trophies. My favourite katas are Unsu, Kankusho, Empi and Kankudai. i can perform all the jumps really well and with great ease. however i was wandering if there are any simple tips to help improve the hight of your jumps and landing of jumps. Shotokan practitioners would be preferred to reply to this topic, however all tips would be greatly obliged Many thanks
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