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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shorin Ryu Shorinkan
  • Location
    Charlotte, NC
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Weightlifting, art, cooking, gardening
  • Occupation
    Graphic Designer/artist
  • Website

JimmyNewton's Achievements

Green Belt

Green Belt (5/10)



  1. Thank you so much guys for your help. I'm excited to get re-aquainted with them.
  2. written would be great. we havent worked on them as we should and I would like to brush up on hem. i polished up a little bit over the summer at sensei perry's camp, but still don't have them 100 %. its just something that seemed to have gotten overlooked over the years and needs to be re-established as part of our curriculum. thank you. you can email me at jimmynewton@excite.com. your help is greatly appreciated. jn
  3. Anyone know of where video footage for the Yakosoku kumite (prearranged fighting) for Shorin-Ryu Shoinkan? Thanks, JN
  4. front kick to the body and as they come to block low, whip it into a roundhouse to the head before setting the foot down. an oldie but goodie
  5. Thanks for everyones opinions. I was always under the impression that it was a sweep while stepping, but now realize it can both be that and a protection of privacies. I find it unlikely that is simply to strengthen the leg muscles. I am associate with sensei Perry. I actually went to his summer camp a few weeks ago. thanks for the feedback and I hope it it opened some new ideas of thinking for other people. jn
  6. I've heard that. I've heard its for balance. I've even heard its been passed down that way because thats the way they actually walked (which that seems far fetched)... any more thoughts and opinions are most welcome.
  7. Was wondering who can tell me the sigifigance of this? What I'm referring to is what iv'e seen in many Kata. Assuming the left leg is in front..when stepping the right leg comes p and makes a small half circleto the left inside ankle, then right leg placed in front. do you know what I'm tlaking about? I've heard it referred to as "closing the gate" when stepping. Can anyone give me their thoughts or opinions of the signifigance of this. If not clear, I'll try to explain more thoroughly.
  8. not sure if this counts a "GAME", but it is fun, and useful for children and adults. It promotes AWARENESS. I'll purposefully not have my gi on, and have one of the senior students begin stretching and warm-ups. then i'll come in the room in about 5 minutes and tell them I'm going to be about another 5 minutes, i have to take a call and for them to keep keep working out. that first time i come in to tell them i'll be behind, i come in with lots of "props". a brightly colored shirt, clipboard, big socks, specific hat, etc".you can go as crazy as you want. then when i come in that 2nd time in my Gi, I'll ask each student to identify everything I had on. How many times has a victim of violence gave a description that was extremly generic? the point is for them to say..oh he had ona light blue hat, green shirt, a silver watch, wedding band, band-aid on his arm, clean shaven, etc.... i think you get the point. and if you really wear something outlandish, it proves the point and can be funny at the same time.
  9. I was recently teaching our kids class roundhouses and getting them used to spinning on the ball of thier lead leg. We began just doing quarter turns and cokcing the back leg up. after a while a 5yo raised his hand and said "mr. newton, this spinning on our foot is kind of like squashing a bug." i thought it was pretty funny.
  10. aug 17-20 i think there are still spots available. heres the info http://www.shorinryushorinkan.com/index.htm
  11. Hi, Is anyone here attending Sensei Doug Perry's Little Okinawa summer camp in August? let me kow. thanks, jn
  12. I'm wanting to give shirts away to the parents and kids. i can get 75 made for a decent price. i'm pretty excited. i'm looking to hols my 1st class june 20th! will keep you posted
  13. thanks matt. yeah the race car thing is out. My dad owns a screneprinting business, and he said for that 150..we can doa bunch of free tees and my nephew can pass them out at his middle school. cards are on the way. I'm also saving to run that ad in the local paper as well. I'll look into demos as well. thanks for your feedback.
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