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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    GoJu Ryu
  • Location

Pogo's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Anyone Going to the tournament in BASSETT VA this weekend? Give A Holla if your going.
  2. Most people underestemate my leg abillity because of my size and this gives me time to gett in the lead and win the fight. But I did underestemate a guy once at a tournament. I thaught that because he was overweight he wouldent be able to use his legs. Whell I was WRONG and he one the fight. After that I told myself that I would treet everone the same no matter the age hight weight or sex.
  3. To go off of what TangSooGuy said I would hate to be judged by any of the black belts from my school not because they arnt good at it but because they are good and they wouldnt cut me or any one else from my school any slack
  4. You may own the roundhouse off the front leg But I own the techniqu to counter it
  5. my sensei tells us to kick off the front leg for speed and the back leg for power he never lets us kick off the back leg at the begining of a fight he sais that it opens you up for a side step. We are taught to start our combos off with the front leg
  6. What have been your experiences with bad judges? Post your story here.
  7. Pogo


    Sanchin is a good kata. But you have only been training for 4 weeks. you can probubly pull it off but just remember to sit low in your stances and breath like you actualy fighting a person
  8. Comp fighting is a sport pretty much comp fighting is good for building your reflexis and stamina but as for not being effective in a real fight thats were you have to have a ballence between street and compotition fighting.
  9. What are your schools biggest accomplishments? meaning what has your school achieved that you are proud of?
  10. Pogo

    Extreme Kata

    Thank you for your post.
  11. I think I would just RUN. And if she ran faster than me Id drive. and if she showd up on the doorstep of my house after all the times I ran away I would finish it.
  12. I play paintball and I love it. My favorite games to play are most likely total elimination and every man/woman for himself
  13. Pads for point sparing My curent pads are ripping do to people stepping on my feet etc. normal were and tare I need something that will breath but will also be durable.
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