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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Karate, Tae Kwon Do
  • Interests
    Karate, Sparring, Wolves
  • Occupation

Kyle23's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I like Matsukaze.
  2. I like the statement you made about the martial arts being for the mind and also for the body. I mean, the first martial art was made to help monks go for long periods of time meditating, the self defense part was secondary. Its the same for this day and age. Also, some martial artists train to compete in tournaments, like me. I know the chances of me being in a serious street fight aren't good but thats why i go to tournaments. To test myself and see how ive improved in sparring and kata. Martial arts also helps peoples self esteem. Think about it, if you walk around with the knowledge that if someone messes with you than you can defend yourself, thats gotta be good for your self esteem. Just random thoughts. later
  3. Oh, thanks dude
  4. Hey everybody, im a newbie. I think this is a really cool website, but when i was looking at the Karate topics i couldn't find any Shito Ryu topics. I was just wondering why cause thats my style. Is it less popular than Shotokan and Gojo Ryu and all the other Karate sub-styles? Just wondering.
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