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Danni Girl

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Everything posted by Danni Girl

  1. Hello again, Wow, thanks for all the input! I really appreciate it. I did try to catch on each time the student/instructor bowed but there were just too many to keep up with! It seems pretty basic now after all your explanations, though. NinjaNurse - the style that this dojo studies is influenced by Kyokushin, Goju-Ryu and Shotokan. Of course, I don't know what any of that means yet or at least, don't know how to tell the various styles apart yet but I'm sure I'll learn. Kaminari - thanks for the numbers! I was able to pick up on 1 through 5 at the dojo but that's as far as I remembered. Umm, yes .. a little confused by the counting system you outlined for me but I think I got it now. I think! Angela - I'll be sure to check out your FAQ as soon as I finish typing this. I'm sure it will be helpful. I could use all the help I can find. One more question, though. I mentioned that I participated in class on my first visit and did pretty well. The Shihan approached me before class and asked me if I had ever studied before. When I told him 'no', he told me to do what I can then, try to keep up and if I couldn't, it's okay, rest when I needed to. So about 45 minutes into this hour long class, I became thouroughly exhausted and thirsty. So I crept along the wall behind everyone else and walked over to the bench where I sat down for 5 minutes and caught my breath. The Shihan encouraged me to join the class again, which I did. Maybe it was my own paranoia but I felt maybe I did something wrong by sitting down while class was still going on. I know it was my first free trial day and all but for future reference, is it looked down upon when students stop during class? I know some places can be strict about this. Just wondering. Danielle
  2. Good evening all, I had posted awhile back just asking some basic "newbie" questions about Karate. Since then, I have joined a local Karate class and officially begin next week. When I visited the dojo on Monday, I participated in a class - which was great! I tried my best to follow along and keep up with everyone else. I'm pleased to say that I think I did alright for someone who has only done Tae Bo in the privacy of my basement. I noticed that there is a definate etiquette that needs to be followed - alot of bowing to the Sensei's, Sempai's and Shihan's and bowing to fellow students, as well. Also, they all used a word quite frequently during class; "oos". I'm pretty sure that's not how it's spelled but that's how it sounds. What does that mean? I guess my question to all you experienced practitioners is when do you bow? Upon entering the dojo? When you see your Sensei? Before you leave the dojo after class? I didn't have a chance to absorb it all and I certainly want to have a basic idea before starting class next week. Oh, one more thing - does anyone know how to count from one to ten in Japanese?? Thanks in advance! Danielle Brooklyn, NY
  3. Thanks for the welcomes! Isshinryu5; I haven't contacted the Dojo that you mentioned. I think it may be too far from me. Just out of curiousity, what's the difference between Isshin-Ryu and Goju-Ryu (if any)? Danielle
  4. Ooh, ooh! Can I play, too? Brooklyn (no sleep 'til), New York here.
  5. 'Ello everyone! Well, I've been a lurker on these boards for almost 2 weeks now so I thought I'de finally move out of the shadow to introduce myself. My name is Danielle, I'm 29 years old, a New York native and the closest I've ever come to a Martial Arts class were my Tae-Bo tapes. However, at this point in my life I've been seriously considering getting into MA for a number of reasons. Before I found this forum, I knew NOTHING about MA except for what I saw in movies. I've been reading through lots of your posts and I think I have a better understanding now of the different styles that are out there, what they entail and the sense of gratification and/or accomplishment that MA has brought to so many of you. Without sounding too corny, I felt really inspired by alot of you just from your posts. I love you guys! No, seriously ... I feel pretty sure that this is something that I would really like to get into and I have already e-mailed 3 local Dojo's to inquire about any open demonstrations or trial classes they might have for a newbie like me. Ok.. that was my intro. Now I shall sink back into zee shadows! Bwah-hahahaha.... Danielle
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