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Everything posted by Vinson

  1. Thanks a lot for the reply, Jussi. I think I'll give the Kamikaze America some serious consideration. Hakkaido is a local brand and I think it's made in China because of the cheaper labor there. I bought the highest model a few years ago and it cost around HK$1300 ($US166). It gives a nice snap with the punches and kicks if I wash it without fabric softener, but the feel on the skin is rough and quite uncomfortable. It's shrunk a lot too. How about the Kamikaze gis. Do they shrink much?
  2. Thanks y'all. Say, Jussi, you've owned a lot of different brands of gis, right? How do you compare Kamikaze to Shureido, Tokaido or Hirota? I've been wearing locally (Hong Kong) made Hokkaido gis for many years and I'm considering buying something different. And it seems that Kamikaze gis are quite reasonably priced.
  3. Thanks Jussi, but what exactly is ironing starch. Is it something you buy at the supermarket?
  4. Here's a stupid question - how do ya starch the gi? Have been in karate for many years but never done it. Would anyone care to help me out here?
  5. Hi. To answer your first question, the turn in Kosokun Sho is 360, not 180 like the one in Kosokun Dai. And the jump is actually non-existent in the original kata taught in Japan's Shito Kai. It's merely a turn.
  6. Just asked a simple question, man, and what do you get? Lectures. I know very well that good strong techniques are more important, but try your good strong techniques in a flimsy gi and see if you could impress the judges.
  7. Windows Media Player should play it fine.
  8. Anan is one of my favourite kata. Here's a video clip of Sakumoto Sensei doing it: http://teacher.lskc.edu.hk/~t51wws/pub/video/anan.DAT I have the tape that shows the kata done from different angles. I also have a tournament tape that shows a slightly different version done by female world champion Wakai. If you're serious about learning the kata, I suggest that you buy the tape and the book by Sakumoto Sensei: http://www.karatedo.co.jp/index3.htm But of course, the best way is still learning from a qualified instructor. I hope this information helps.
  9. Does anyone have any suggestion on which brand and model of karate-gi that is comfortable and gives a nice loud snap when punching and kicking?
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