would just like to say a big warm hello to everyone! i've been reading this site for the last day or so, and thought it was time to sign up! first of all, everything here is great, i cant stop reading second of all, im from australia, its good to see that this is a world-wide website! great stuff! just my two words on motivation! when i first started martial arts, it was because of the fighting! i knew how to punch, but not properly, i knew how to kick, but not properly. then i started watching movies, went to a few classes, and i thought to myself, this is for me! now i know how to punch, kick, elbow, knee, head-butt, choke, chop, everything, its just great! once you start seeing other people doing all kinds of different things, you think to yourself, i can do this! Just remember, if there is a will, there is a way. - Nothings impossible