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Everything posted by Flank

  1. ok, I understand, it is definately a difficult topic to discuss (I am not even sure if this is the right place to discuss it *looks at title "General MARTIAL ARTS"*, lol). But thanks for all your help guys, it's helped a lot. Cheers Flank
  2. If I did that (especially in uni) wouldn't I become the perpotrator? (spelling). I could get expelled...
  3. I am not really sure what style it is, I guess I'll find out when I join. Is there any advice in terms of what style is best? (I am looking for something that isn't too intense [i don't have a lot of time anyway], but something that helps to defend me incase of an attack. Cheers Flank P.S I am off to the doctors, so I can't reply for a while
  4. I have tried being nice but I think due to the fact that, he knows if he continues to bully me i'll crack, he purposely continues the harrasment, (I think it's because I reported him to the authorities at highschool). Hopefully he'll change, but I highly doubt it .
  5. ah I see now. Thanks 1kickKO. Infact I may join the uni martial arts club, I've always wanted to join some sort of self defence group. I just hope nothing happens till I learn some combat techniques.
  6. Frankly I am not too egaer on reporting him to the authorities (this is university after-all and the administration would tell me to handle it myself). On in all he would do what he did in highschool and let all his friends at uni (my friends) know I reported him, thus producing a similar situation to highschool. (everyone withdrawing from me) It's nice to know I am not alone, how old are you now? Flank P.S Do you know what a leopard's paw is? Someone told me it's an effective formation for your hand to take when punching people.
  7. Thank you for your quick response. To give a bit of history on the matter, yes in fact I have told my parents and teachers, however to tell you the truth, I am now heading to university (it starts in a week), and this particular gentleman who has harrased me since I was 15 years old (I am 18 now) will be there. Last year I had reported him for harrassment, the teachers and my parents were both supportive, neaturalizing the situation asap. However I was in year 12 (last year of high school) and when other students heard that I reported him, many withdrew from me, making the situation further depressing. Now that I am entering uni, I don't want the situation to replicate itself. I know he will act like he did back in highschool because: 1) The same teachers who subdued him last year are no longer in authority (and besides, near the end of the year he defied teachers and began harrassing me again). 2) He has never mentally matured, and still likes to push me around. I have always been the prime target particularly because I reported him and he knows that his antics really do annoy me, so even if I was just to ignore him, he'd keep doing it till I crack. Put simply, I want university to be a fresh start, no longer having bullying of any type interfere with my studies. The saddest problem with this is the fact that he knows how I deal with bullying (not sticking up for myself) would like to make life miserable for me so he can get a few laughs... Flank Edit: I forgot to mention, the taking of the lunch box is not the only bullying, another example would be I am waiting in line outside a classroom, he'll comment that I am rich (it may seem non-threatening at all but it has a long history) then together with another mate will physically push me on the shoulders, pushing me back back back. Eventually the other boy (who is just joking around will stop and walk off) but the particular bully in question will continue till class begins. Even when class starts he'll point at me and pass comments about me.
  8. Hello, I am new here, but I must say, from what I've seen, the people here seem very welcoming and nice. I have a question... Lately at school I've been putting up with a lot of bullying (both physically and mentally). I've been in situations where I might be sitting at a table eating my lunch and this bully would come up, take my lunch box and hold it up high so I can't reach it or hold it so I would have to try and wrestle it out of his hands. I've thought this through and there's no way I can possibly use strength to get my lunch box (or if in the former situation, jump high enough to grap it [i am 5' 4" after all]). Physically I am no match. However I've seen other students (when fooling around) use certain tactics (alternatives to bruteforce strength) that I wouldn't so much call "Pressure Points" but points on which when pressure is applied, it tickles so much to the point the opponent flinches. My sister does it to her friends and me so I know it works well. Examples would include: poking the left or right side of your torso, sqeezing or applying pressure to your thigh (when sitting). These don't work if you're doing them to yourself but do if it's to someone else (especially if it's unexpected). I would be very interested to know if there are more of these points and how they are best applied to give maximum effectiveness (as I've tried the two above, often without success). I am not looking for anything that requires extensive training (like Martial Arts, etc...), but I am desperate to learn some sort of method to subdue these bullies. It would be good if there were serveral of these "funny points" so I can vary. Easily applied pressure points would be good too (however I've found pressure points to be too difficult to use sucessfully). If I am at the wrong place a link or directions would be most helpful. Thank you for reading my long post and as I am very inexperienced in this area any information would be greatly appreciated Flank P.S I am very sorry if I am not supposed to post here, but I am very desperate for help.
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