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bluebadger's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. lol, yah, I think ill go ahead and get the revearse blade.... my freind at school is preasuring me into it. He's getting Vash's gun and he wants me to get Kenshin's sword... he says they'll go good together o.O ....
  2. ohhh...ok, my bad. Well I guess you have a point, I dont really look at what the company says about the sword because there just going to say good things about it. I usually look at the costomer reviews...but then again alot of people dont know what there talking about... If you look around more on that site you will find, however, a few reverse blades that say they are meant for combat. And i see what you mean with the it not being designed right... I kinda just wanted it so i would look like a certain somebody that i dont know *coughkenshincough* .... ok i should probably just get a normal non-revearse blade one right?
  3. http://www.weaponmasters.com/?ID=WEAPONS&ITEM=WM-6007&SORT=PRICE_UP&FDX=1&FMAX=10 ? yah thats the one im going to get...notice how it says "full contact use"
  4. hm...i never really thought of it like as an art... I guess its the same idea with painting, if your good you can paint some awsome stuff... but its not like you can pull out a magic paintbrush and draw a door out of a fight...unless you have some kind of magic paintbrush...*ahem* well anyway i was wondering, Ive seen reverse blade katanas and it says there like that for safetey...but im wondering if they are in fact any safer... i mean they could be for you but what if someone didnt know it was reverse blade that came over to your house or something and grabbed it... Plus if you draw back too far on an overhead slash you could give yourself a hair cut...
  5. Actually Yu-gi-oh cards can do quite a bit of damage, I once saw an episode of Yu-gi-oh where kaiba thew one and made the guy it hit drop what he was holding, good thing that blue-eyes white dragon had 3000 attack.
  6. yah...I want to learn how to use a katana too.... but I have this problem with sticking to things, I mean i did martial arts (Ishin ryu i think) for like 2 months but then I just stopped going.. It's like im only interested in something for a little while and then it becomes work to do it.. I started dreading tuesdays (the day i went) and i couldnt stand practicing the forms. So.. like I want to learn how to use a katana....but i dont really think ill stick with it.. could like someone who's preaty profficiant with one tell me what it involves? Do i have to go and do some style of karate for 3 years before i start learning how to use a sword or can i just take a katana class? And also...does is have any aplication in life? I mean i know they wont let me walk around DC with a sword under my jacket...so if someone attacked me what would be the point of knowing how to use one if I didnt have it?
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