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  • Martial Art(s)
    Bujinkan, Aikido, some styles of Kung Fu, Taisavaki-jutsu, European fencing, some tai chi, and the slightest bit of budo

willow's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. No. I just carry my hanbo with me and make it look like a cane or walking stick, ^_^
  2. My friends and I emphasize blocking and parrying, and moving the force to one side while counterattacking, most commonly in the form of a strike.
  3. I was with a friend of mine, and we were practicing kicks. She randomly picked up this pillow and HURLS it at me pretty quickly. Being already halfway into a sidekick I tried to turn a few degrees to kick it away, and my supporting leg slipped out from under me, sending me literally flat on the floor. I couldn't get up for like 10 minutes I was laughing so hard.
  4. Style-wise, I would like any taisavaki-jutsu techniques best, but in my style (which is a mixture of about 6) normally I would go inward and towards the arcing kick and two-hand check it to injure his leg AND block the kick. Sidekicks are supposed to be counterkicked, but I just can't seem to get that down. But thanks everyone for the great advice. I'm going to use it soon. ^_^ If anyone has any more advice, especially taisavaki-jutsu, then please post it for me.
  5. Yeah, the harisen is so not the easiest weapon to learn... and it really isn't too effective as a weapon so much a a shiled and deflector. Granted, it CAN do damage, but there's reason to learn it because of its defensive properties. I only know the most basic of maneuvers with the harisen, so I can't be of much help. Sorry.
  6. Indeed, he was not. He just mentioned it himself.
  7. for future reference, the words and their plurals are: Nunchaku- nunchaku sai-sai don't put "s" on the end of them.
  8. During daylight hours, nothing or a hanbo. At night, I actually do carry my Tai Chi sword with me.
  9. So you mean a manrikigusai? Those are cool. I have one myself.
  10. Nunchaku were used to harvest the rice. Sai were used to put holes in the ground to plant the rice. THAT's what they are saying.
  11. [GONK] I hate people like that. "I can do such and such with no proof, and you have to believe me." I think I speak for the rational human race when I say "Give us proof!" Proof that YOU, not someone who is better than you, can do your cards tricks.
  12. Yeah, I don't even consider it a struggle. Snap kics? Psh. Easy stuff. Jump kicks? Whoever does jumpkicks is really stupid. Back kicks? Piece of cake. But sidekicks and roundhouse kicks, not to mention the sweep, THEY kill me. I found that of all the things I tried, the two-handed check works best, but even that I can only do liek 1 out of four times. I suck at defending kicks. If abyone DOES know something about defending kicks, PLEASE PLEASE tell me.
  13. In general sidekicks are aimed for the chest or midsection and roundhouse kicks to the head. Sweep kick, I hope you know where that one is aimed.
  14. I'm pretty much aware that kicks like those are the suck if you don't defend. HOW to defend it is my question... not what happens IF i don't defend.
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