Hi, I'm 18 and currently in college. I have always been interested in Martial Arts, but for various reasons never got started. I am now living on my own, and thinking of taking one or the other up. I live in a major city, so finding a place to go is no problem. Some that I have found that interest me are: Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts Which seems interesting, I think it would be kind of interesting to see what the europeans were doing in this field, as it seems that it has been overshadowed by various asian disciplines. The only thing I see wrong with this, is that they seem to do a lot of medieval weaponry and armour type things, which seems a little ridiculous to me, the training with the knife might be interesting though. Jeet Kune Do This one looks pretty cool, and I think the focus on street fighting might be interesting, though it seems to lack the history of the others, which some may think to be a good thing, but I find the history interesting. Wing Chun Kung Fu This is the one I am leaning towards, because I like the history, and from what I've read on their website, it seems that they are a really good place to learn. Northern Karate This organization seems pretty good, but for some reason I prefer Kung Fu to karate (at least, from the descriptions that I have read.) I am about 6'2" , and pretty slight of build, I have good reflexes and hand-eye coordination, but am not terribly flexible. I am not overly strong, but a few years on the farm have left me stronger than I look. I am looking for which would be best for me, and suggestions are welcome. (even if what you suggest isn't on the list above)