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Everything posted by PLayfull

  1. http://www.monkeykungfu.com/ The site wich involves the "paulie" style of monkeykungfu
  2. Hi folks, i was looking for some monkey stuff on the internet. And found this topic. Let me clear up some myths here, How Chuen, or Monkeykungfu DOES NOT involve any climbing as far as i know. It's a southern style kungfu. It relies on fast movements, it likes to imitate other animals(like tiger, or crane or dragon)but because it's not comfortable with that it mostly returns to it's own patterns. It's mostly quick and playfull movements. Fast kicks, fast work with your hands. and everything is really short range. But in case that we have to defend ourselfs in an open field we rely on Dragon movements wich the monkey imitates. There are people who teach some kind of monkeykungfu like paulie zink in the USA. I don't know what's original, my Sifu says that the way he teaches us is the original style. i'm only practicing for a year now. Anyways, we don't have much rolling over the ground, actually, i've got green belt and never saw one rolling over the ground. But there are many different styles out there, and it could be that there is a "small monkey" and a "big monkey". I once heard him talk about it. But than again, i have MUCH to learn so it could be that there is some rolling involved somehow. I hope i could've answered some questions for you.
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