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jbw7577's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. hey Im not bad mouthing Buffet, I love the show (well annoyed it finished the last 2 series were the best IMO) Just saying that shows like that have got me interested in getting into martial arts myself and wondered what technique was most frequently used in tv and film.
  2. what is the most commonly used martial arts in TV programs? Some people have told me its kickboxing (the whole buffy vibe) and some people have said that its really kung fu. Doesnt seem to be any program or advert for that matter that doesnt ivolve some kind of martial art, everything mirroring films I guess, like that new one for lynx that is a complete spoof of crouching Tiger/house of flying daggers http://www.playnicely.com/nippletwist So can anyone tell me what these martial arts are? Obviously I know that there is no matrial arts where you run up trees and stuff
  3. new to here, and just got seriously interested in martial arts, lookinf for advice and recomendations.
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