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  • Martial Art(s)
    Tae Kwon Do

kahasham's Achievements

White Belt

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  1. I think that one was 3. The original is about the best guys to represent America in a World Karate tournament against China - they are supposed to be real cocky - huge egos. I think James Earl Jones was their coach. Decent fighting, bad acting!
  2. When I first saw it (of course I was a lot younger) I thought Best of the Best was cool...but I saw it the other day on TV - what was I thinking??
  3. Thanks a lot for your input. Got a question about he Adidas hogu, because I need one of those too. When you got your's, did you get it from a shop or order it from somewhere? I was wondering if you know a store that might have it so I can try one on. I am in Dallas, TX, but if you know of a major shop like Oshman's or Academy (which I found out today has sparring gear) that would be great.
  4. Wow - I appreciate all the input guys. I did some physical shopping today and think I like the Macho for the foam stuff. I tried the Century chest protector (since I need one of those too) and it did feel a bit thick - I think I am going to find a place where I can check out the Adidas model since isshinryu5toforever said it was lighter. I just don't want something that restricts movement too much. Once I get that squared away, it's off to the internet - everyone tells me stuff is cheaper out there. Thanks again!
  5. I am looking to get sparring gear for TKD and was wondering which manufacturer is better - Macho or Century. I got Century's catalog and they have Century Classic Gear and Macho Dyna Gear listed - both are the same price so I am just trying to determine better in terms of quality and longevity. Also, I found sets online that are around $60 (head, hands, feet). Should I be worried about the quality of that gear? Here are the links: http://www.martialmart.com/macspargears.html http://www.karate-mart.com/macsparset.html
  6. I am looking to get foam sparring gear for TKD and was wondering which manufacturer is better - Macho or Century. I got Century's catalog and they have Century Classic Gear and Macho Dyna Gear listed - both are the same price so I am just trying to determine better in terms of quality and longevity. Also, I found sets online that are around $60 (head, hands, feet) made my both companies. Should I be worried about the quality of that gear? Here are the links: http://www.martialmart.com/macspargears.html http://www.karate-mart.com/macsparset.html
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