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Everything posted by writerlady04

  1. I finally passed my black belt test. So psyche about it!!!! Now kinda disappointed cause I have to wait a whole year to test! But in a few weeks i will be testing for intructors stripe. Can't wait.
  2. I don't know if i am diong the right thing or whatever but when i step forward into the ring, I block my mind off of everything, then I image that I am by myself in a open field. Look directly into the judges eyes full of intensity, to make sure that I'm one of the serious ones here. Then always for a show off...I kinda overexaggerate my standing stance. But just a little bit extra to call it my own. Once I start my form, I always go for loud kihaps and strong techinques. Then my facial expression is like I'm actually fighting a person with my form. Once I am finished, I'm sooooo tired. I have others cheering for me as if I'm some form of a celebity over basic forms...lol.
  3. Me, I like the basics: My fav techinques are the instant side kicks and for the hands- I will say the knifehand , and for blocks I would say double outer forearm blocks in a back stance.
  4. Have to test again! Werid isn't...But at least I got my BB by the way. Now have to test for it to become perament. GOing nuts...3 weeks away!!!!!- know everything...just the boardbreaking part gets me. Can't do the same moves, different techinques to choose from...so many...I'm so little to do some of them...GOing Nuts...Help me....
  5. come on man, 15 and old...you got to be kidding me....I'm 20 lol
  6. Okay here's the scoop. I'm a red belt know...actually high level red belt that doesn't matter...every time I'm about to test the week before, the board breaking thing is so easy, but as for example, my last two testing that I failed with the exception of the one I just passed...I feel like I'm cursed. I can easily break them during class time but when it comes to testing....I'll just freak the heck out. I wouldn't say freaked out more like disappointed. 3 testing ago...I broke the left side kick and didn't break with the elbow strike and I didn't pass and my little cousing passed. I was hurt for a while but I recovered. Then the next testing came around and of course I broke the boards one week before testing. Then the test came around still doing the same pattern over again. I said to myself that I wasn't going to fail. So I broke the board with a hammerfist and I tried kicking it with a right instanct side kick and it didn't break. I just started to cry right then because I knew that I broke it before during class a couple days before testing. Then my instructor got mad and told me that I'm stronger than that and going to break those boards or else. So I tried again with a right instanct side kick and didn't break again. I was really mad at this point. Then he asked do I want to change my techinque...I thought about it and said yeah a left instant side kick...and I did it and it didn't break...then to find out that the grains of the board was completely wrong and I failed once again. But the testing that's just past...it was a positive side...I broke them both with a again left instant side kick and a knifehand strike. It was on the first try on both of them. Then I passed to what I am now. I'm nerous on this point because this is the most important test of my life. The black belt. I don't want to fail this one but I feel like I'm cursed over those boards. Everytime when my instructor says the time is near I freeze up and I can't stop thinking about it. What if I fail the most important test of my life...I just won't feel like I've accomplished something you know...I'm frustrated...lol
  7. our company is cto- we are a small company but are huge with demos and tournaments andn that sort of thing
  8. Well to be completely honest, I study Choi Hong style Tkd. Our company is actually a subdivision of ATA- our instructor was taught by master lee the orginial person who brought tkd to america, and of all the forms that I have done, I think I pretty much like ours because it's first starts out simple and then it becomes more challenging towards black belt, I should know, I'm testing for my black belt next month.
  9. Hey, Jos- many people do things for different reasons- there is no problem with other's religion- don't you know that already!
  10. i love Green day and Linkpark, Switchfoot...has anybody listen to bands like the Killers and My Chemical Romance?
  11. The Grude was not scary actually that was quite funny. The Jason's movies was not scary. Freddy was a little scary. The Ring was terrible. The Dawn of the Dead was bull. Really in general, not many movies scared me execpt for Final Destination because of we didn't know where death was coming. It was ok- horror movies and I just don't mix. Plus- Texas Chainsaw Massacre- was not scary. lol- I can't stop talking about it.
  14. I usually burn incense for spiritual reasons- it's cool and makes me relax when i feel like practicing my stuff.
  15. I'm not a drawer i am mostly a collager- i like stuff like that- it's cool
  16. I'm going for the Jolly Ranchers Jelly Beans- ummmmmmm yummy
  17. No Belt Egg Shell White Snow White Pink Yellow Orange Light Green Dark Green Barny the Dino Purple Deep Purple Sky Blue Light Blue Royal Blue Midnight Blue Candy Apple Red Dark Red Tan Light Brown Medium Brown Dark Brown Desert Camouflage Woodland Camouflage Black Boy that's a lot of ranks- do you need some help in teaching?
  18. it does taste like chicken
  19. One song that i can't get off my mind is the Simple Plan "Shut Up"- it's good cause sometimes some people just need to shut up. So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't wanna hear it Get out, get out, get out Get out of my way Step up, step up, step up You'll never stop me Nothing you say today Is gonna bring me down That's Great spiritual advice for anybody !
  20. Chicken is really Good-- umm i can smell it already- Fried, Baked, BBQ, i better stop talking about it before i get hungry
  21. Gay Lord Focker LOL
  22. That he doesn't go into talking about his life again... sorry but it's true!
  23. It saids that I am The God of Mayhem. I am worship by hippies?! lol... and i show my devotion by sacrificing each other...that's crazy!
  24. My Instructor starts to talk about his past and then never stops- sometimes it's like he tells a fairy tale about how he lived his life as a martial artist- one minute at a time. Sometimes he talk so long that half our class would be over. I think it's pretty funny cause someone has to remind him of the time when he begins to blah. lol...It's a great lullaby.
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