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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    tae kwan do/ji do kwan
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champ64's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. 10 degree is the highist u can go but it takes a long time
  2. we practice from IL jang to coreo pomce depinding on belt go to my web site https://www.chos.com and go to testimony and type mind the the second box body and press play
  3. in my style thats what you say when you bow to any black belt check out my skool site www,chos.com
  4. ofcorse in korea it will be more intence because its the home of TKD
  5. I think it's ok because look at tkd it's mixed with hakido,judo.and beckso
  6. congrads man don't let your disability stop u from doing what u love
  7. u don't want to gain weight u want to gain muscule by lifting weights and use your head to batte this guy as sone as he's done his attack conter attack use you speed as a advantege tire him out and thats when u attack good luck
  8. well it most likely be based on a three point system an ofcorce no hiting beloe the belt and in yhe face and you will have 2 minuets a round
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