thanks for allowing me to be on this board! i wanted to hear your opinions/answers to my question after seeing the pics of this fit, strong, hyper fit, pretty muscled body (trust me, NO nudity or any sick crap like that)... she says she does bare, knuckle fist fight training... even if she DIDNT MORE IMPORTANTLY, i'd love to hear ur answers to the questions after seeing the pics based just solely on the pics, in terms of her strong body versus a guy like me... i'm a 5'4 guy, about 19, weigh 145 (slightly overweight), have never been in a fist fight before and never had any fight training... i bench press 85-90 pounds for reps with a max of 135 pounds for one rep... do you think the girl below would easily easily be able to puch/beat the living * out of me in a clean fist fight?? as in do you think would completely without a doubt overpower, OUTMUSCLE (this being the key word), and crush me at every point in a long clean fist fight/muscle power match up?? MOST IMPORTANTLY WHY do you think so or what are your reasons for your answers...thanks want to hear lots of answers to both questions (ur answer and more importantly WHY)!!!!! the main reason i ask this is cuz a friend of mine said this girl could kick my * i wanted to ask more experienced people here, although I do initially believe him i stll don't know...