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ramonnavarro123's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hi and be blessed BLACCBILLYJACC It is correct that in its principles HapKiDo is not a sport thought this I did not mean that one can not do tournamment fight. Yes one can even thought just depends on the tournamment rules. The thing is that we do combat or sparrying between us but try to the most our control applying techniques since it is very easy to get injurad and just for the jeck of it and for the fun of a fight it is not really worth it to get hurt or hurt a fellow companiard ! It is up to the person and mainlly the Teacher. One time there were 2 diferent persons. one that as the other loved fighting but he respected the opponent but the other did not and the Teacher said: If one does not respect his opponent one day that disrispectfull person will get beaten and I do not like fame and more if it is the fame of a bully, if I get a student that does this I will not want him here any more. Well you can gues what hapened: Yes that disrispectfull person was asked to leave the school and the Teacher said that if he found out of any one ever be training with that guy he would get kicked out of the school too and some one did not think that the Teacher was being serious and you know here what hapened too. To say more is to speak of things that are unnesesary. Be well BLACCBILLYJACC and take care. HAP
  2. Hi and be blessed tufrthanu You are right about your TaeKwonDo explanation and it is correct about TKD thought in HapKiDo for Song Moo Kwan hapKiDo is that it is based in the natural of the style for the person to use its nature as a human being as nature is, its grouth becomes movile and even with the changes it goes beyond the need for one to defend against an attack that the person as a martial artist and that the person style according to Song Moo HapKiDo is to be able to change in accordance to de situation even it not mattering what is the matter of the situation and the person applying Song Moo HapKiDo then can take advantage of the situation and the changes that accur wich are basically the disturbance of peace. This is by applying the 3 HapKiDo principles that are yu, won and hwa or flow, circle and harmony ! There for our Style school is Song Moo Kwan HapKiDo and it means : The Green and Alive School of HapKiDo Martial Art or The Natural Martial Art of HapKiDo. HAP
  3. Hi and be blessed Nick_Sam. You are corect in that one in HapKiDo do learn a lot on falls. Ok ! Also is true that we do a lot of defense and counter against kicks of all kinds as an attack to us. These techniques are in our curriculum at Blue Belt with 2 stripes, just before Red Belt. This here is for Song Moo HapKiDo as Grand master or better said as we call our teacher Master of Masters but better as Teacher of Teachers/KwanjangNim Mr. SongIL Park. We have a very extended curriculum for sure and we also have a lot of training for the way it would be in real life situation but focus on self control and to be patience and not to be discontroled from an adrenalin rush. This is important to aur training for the benefit of the student in case of a street situation and that he or she can be safe at the end of an altercation. Thanks for your comments. HAP
  4. Well, first of all, you all be blessed. TaeKiYun or TaeKyun as is more known is not the base and background to TaeKwonDo. TaeKwonDo is based on striking the opponent with various kicks and TaeKyun is based on distroying the opponent. Even the hand striking principles are diferent that in TKD. It surelly can be played as a sport but to a manner that it is not complete TaeKyun because it would cause injury to any of the players if done as the art is as it is. HAP
  5. Hi all and be blessed. It is correct in the sence of it being a nasty art to use since that is what it is for. It is for the street not for sport. The person involved in a tournament with HapKiDo ways it would reseive injury easily there for this is the reason that we in HapKiDo do not allow it as a sport. It sure is not a mixture of AikiDo with TaeKwonDo. In HapKiDo the kicks are diferent that they are in TaeKwonDo and I am profe of this since I have a Black Belt in TKD since aerly 1970 and it is very agresive, not for point fighting -do not get me wrong- and it is full of techniques that are similar to AikiDo but based on a smaler circle in its application but directed into striking the oponent not just controling him. As you all know that have experienced AikIDo that it is daqngerous too. All our martial arts are good. HapKiDo in it self must not be seen as the best and only the best since what is best or not depends on how you use it, be it wrong or correctly, for self defence. HAP
  6. Hi and be blessed tufrthanu I do Song Moo Kwan HapKiDo, why ? HAP
  7. Hi HapKiDo Panama Kid and all. I am glad that you are motivated and have your HapKiDo spirit groing strong and I want to correct you some if you mind, ok ! When color belts are expressed they are called Gups not Dans. So in the correct naming of the ranks it is like this: First -White Belt 10th & 9th Gup are mixed into one stage here ! -Yellow Belt 8th Gup -Yellow Belt (1 Stripe) 7th Gup -Blue Belt 6th Gup -Blue Belt (1 Stripe) 5th Gup -Blue Belt (2 Stripes) 4th Gup -Red Belt 3rd Gup -Red Belt (1 Stripe) 2nd Gup -Red Belt (2 Stripes) 1st Gup -Black Belt (1 White Stripe) 1st Dan -Black Belt (2 White Stripes) 2nd Dan -Black Belt (3 White Stripes) 3rd Dan; -Black Belt (4 White Stripes) 4th Dan it is the last rank in Black Belt that we use stripes in Song Moo Kwan HapKiDo and is also the first level the student is now a Teacher or can be. -Black Belt (5th to upper Dan levels do not use stripes) HAP
  8. Hi all and be blessed A blessing is in acordance to your actitud and as the saying goes what you spread you will reap so what you act on is how you will spread, like a seed and that is what you will reseive. Also as a seed that you plant and as time goes by it forms into a tree and it will breed to give fruit so also according to your oun action you will reseive but for a blessing to be mostly it will be reseived at a momment that you least expect it. I beleive that one must be abnle to built a well for water in the case that you built a home and this way you will at some moment be thursty and you can not biult the well when you are already thursty so built the well first. Same for the martial arts and the martial artist even if you are a christian you must and aught to be fit to continue your dayly life and to do so you need to be healthy. a martial art that do not go against your chritian beleife is ok to do ! A martial art does not force you to be a bad person and it will help you to develop a strog body also it will permit you to have a fit mind and it will balance your judgement as the spiritual development so I see nothing wrong by doing it as an activity were you can also be prepared to defend your life spetially if we as humans have a duty with God wich is to make sure that our human rase do not get extinct. If you act as the christian that we are by not whishing wrong to others and have a good workouts and advance in knowing yourself by the training and its results with the thought in mind that you do not train to be able to kill people just because you know martial arts you are no deviating from the christian path. About meditation, one that learns to maditate is not by doing it praying it is to clear the mind of its thoughts and plasing them in order and making the mind clear so one can achieve a good act in our actions. It also relaces the body and gives us a restfull mind wich gives us the chance to be a being in peace with our self, others and our surrounding so I see nothing wrong to have a clear and tranquil mind (just in case that my speling is not to good you must scuse me for I am not American but English is a second language to me, I just hope that my idea can get through). The bowing is just like a hand shake. When we in my dojang/dojo/MA school bow to go into the training area is like we give thanks to god for in the nature of things there is the art that we learn bacause there was a person that past it doun to us and is like saying thanks that bacause of you and what you hadded down to us we can train our body, mind and our spirit becoming a well rounded person. bowing to our partner at the begining and end of what ever we do with him is the same, like a thanks for him helping and eccept our help to do this activity. HAP
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