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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan ryu Kase Ha
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Freddy's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. scottnshelly "the ability to focus on the teacher standing in front of the class, or the ability to focus on one’s surroundings" Mainlny these things Goju 4 Life hit me! not litterary tho hehe Sensei Rick wow thats a very nice exercise, how old are the students you play this game with?
  2. I would greatly appreciate if you would share some of your exercises that helps developing focus. Thank you
  3. "Yoga's sun solutations" which is? =)
  4. i dont want to sound rude BUT this thread was NOT about getting a 6-pack! to be honest i dont care about it at all... Thank you for your warm up bigwhitecancer I could sure use alot more warm up exercises, doesnt have to be a whole program, just a litte exercise. thank you =)
  5. meh, thanks for the advise BUT i give up... they wont go away, and mom still folded it AND put it in the bottom of the washing pile even tho i told her not too... guess ill just have to live with it.
  6. lets get some action in this thread again . I just washed my gi in 60 degrees (i think) with vannish oxy action and it wont turn all white. There are still stains of greyish on it, i just dont know what to do =( tips? And another question; how do you iron you gi??? My mom always folds my gi after washing it which results in "pressmarks" along sleves and legs, this i find very much annoying! Ive tried to iron them away but it jsut wont work =/ any tips here? (the gi is a kamikaze america, if it matters)
  7. ~$6 I only pay half price hto since i help to teach
  8. SRKH 1 sandan 1 shodan that swings by the dojo every possibility he gets, not to often tho =(
  9. hehe ok, but who need their abs to show anyways? those were osme good warmups, now do you have any that we can do in groups? I think variation is apreiciated by the students
  10. Lets help eachother by sharing some diffrent warmups, for both kids and adults. Ill start of with a game for the kids, You pair up 2 and 2 and line up at one side of the dojo. Now you do frogjumps over eachother to get to the other side, and then do the same thing back. Kids that ive tried this on thinks its fun, and they sure get a little bit more warmed up.
  11. did 1% of the world population even try any kind of MA?
  12. Freddy


    So when kase made heian oyo he was thinking ____?
  13. soo no tatoos?, it would have been nice to see
  14. nice I just have to ask how tall are you guys? shorinryu sensei looks huge
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