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  • Martial Art(s)
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  • Interests
    Magic, Juggling, Martial Arts
  • Occupation
    Supermarket Employee

isshinryuwarrior's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I was talking to a friend of mine at work who noticed my Isshinryu warrior t-shirt, found out he's in Martial arts too, he know a bit about my style, when told him what my lineage was he said what I'm doing is a little bit different than isshinryu. My teachers, teacher was Dale Jenkins. His Isshinryu teacher was Don Nagle. What my friend said is Mr. Jenkins split off and did his own thing. Even today my association says that the core style is isshinryu with elements of jujitsu, judo, aikido and boxing added into the cirriculum. What is that? a Hybrid style or is a completley different system and new style? Maybe the assosiactions' website might help some to make a distinction on this. https://www.kokorokai.com Thank you Justin
  2. Ah.....Well that brings up another question. Do the other promotions depend on other things, like burning my lips from stuff like soup? Maybe even brain freezes from spitting 7-11 Slurpees at the screen to make the belt seem older?
  3. What if I burn my lips from the coffee? any body have advice on how to flow my inner ki/chi or any of that stuff so i won't hurt myself (actually I really would like to learn about ki/chi, like if they are different from one another, what styles utilize the two. if you can, PM me telling me a little bit of what you know.)
  4. well, it's amazing how much dilaogue changes from region to region, I've been in central jersey.
  5. Laurie I've lived in Jersey all my life, 22 years and I've never heard anybody say that. Where did you live to hear that?
  6. My teacher keeps reffering back to many moves we learn in kata while showing us all different techniques. He'll demonstrated and show application. it seems like different parts of kata really do work, maybe the whole thing. Who agrees that kata really does work on the street? Yes you can't do the same exact moves in order but it seems you can break off what you need.
  7. What about the word wicked? You hear that alot in the New England area but I haven't seen it elsewhere. Any place else use it?
  8. *stares straight ahead blankly* *Says nothing* ********************************************************* Wow that a joke was bad. So bad that there is no build up, story or punch line, yup, that's my definition of a bad joke
  9. "Wow man that road kill was some gnarly stuff!" The word gnarly as said by my best friend who came from california.
  10. Hmm, fooooood, Goooood no no good isn't gooooood it's good, but what a bout food? it's food, well what about gooooooood. no, it's good. just one of the stupid things in the english language
  11. God I love wreaking havoc almost a year after posting something
  12. You know I wish we could get a person from Britan or London to show us how to speak "English English)
  13. Scott I think your neighbors in Texas also say the same words you just shot up, most noticibally (Just fudged and bombed the spelling of the that word) he says "I'm fixin to get me sumpin to eat"
  14. oh and I'll probably go down in history like the star wars kid
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