Hello.... I guess it's a very small world. How did you find your training at the Shobukan (under Sensei Deraffelle) ? How long did you train there / what rank did you attain ? If you don't mind, I would definitely be interested in finding out what the training was like back in 1990...I started my training at the end of 1992.
hello... Is anyone in the group a practitioner of Okinawan Goju Ryu ? I would be interested in discussing ideas, techniques, philosophy, etc.... Any native New Yorkers out there ? (lol)
Hello...I am new to the group. I have been practicing Okinawan Goju Ryu for the past 13 years in New York. My teacher was Frank Derafelle and is now Chris Graham. I am presently a 2nd degree black belt. I hope I am able to add to the discussion...As well as learn from the group....