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Everything posted by Teiydo

  1. It's been a while, but I will answer some of your questions. I believe Danzan Ryu comes from the same lineage as what I used to study, Hakko Ryu which originates from Daito Ryu. From looking at the list of dojos on Jujutsu America, you are in very good company. Why? Professor Jay (Small Circle Jujutsu) is on there and so are a number of his students, instructors in their own right. I am sure that Prof Jay would not be a part of an organization that is suspect. As far as is it a good self defense style, I have a feeling that would have in large part to the dojo, instructor, you and how the classes are run. Since I believe it is more old school jujutsu, you will definitely be stressing pressure points, the meridians (sp?), and small joint manipulation, eg. wrists, fingers. Hope this helps.
  2. Thanks KSN Doug, appreciate it.
  3. Is it standard for KSW practioners to work on only one side of the body for grabbing techniques or does that change as you progress? I did not see any of the other students using the other side of their body and I was never shown anything that made me switch hands or foot positions. Was just wondering. Thanks,
  4. From the official Small Circle website, there are no schools in Sacramento, there are ones in Oakland, Alameda, and San Mateo. Here's the website http://www.smallcirclejujitsu.com/
  5. Thank you for the repsonses, they helped. It looks like SBM was getting everyone ready forms wise for the tournament coming up in San Francisco. These very next two classes have been mainly techniques, which was great for me. Again, thanks
  6. I'm sorry, I didn't explain that a little better. In the past two months we have practiced techniques, but we only get about 10-15 minutes total per class and thats if we even practice techniques during the class. That has been my biggest problem is that I joined KSW to get a combination of joint locks and striking. This past Monday's class was the only class in two months that we actually spent the majority of the class working on techniques. I guess each instructor has his/her own way of running things. I don't see myself staying long at this school. Thanks for the responses.
  7. Thanks, I just kind of wondered. Last night was the first time in two months that we have gone over technique practice and it lasted more than 15 minutes. Thanks again.
  8. How often and for how long in each class do you practice your techniques that require a partner, specifically joint manipulation (Sorry, I forgot the technical Korean term for techniques)? Just trying to get a feel for the way other KSW schools run. Thanks,
  9. Has anyone else heard the same? Thanks again.
  10. Has anyone else heard of this style? I just found it and it's headquarters is in San Jose, Ca. http://yangskuksuldo.com/ Is the Grandmaster a person closely related to KSW Grandmaster? Just kind of curious.
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