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Everything posted by karatekid101

  1. Hello! And welcome. Have fun!
  2. Hey... Welcome to KarateForums! I hope you Njoy it! I dont do Tai Chi, I am curently doing Shotokan Karate Have fun!
  3. I believe so... i think I saw that video on that show... It was on one of th e older episodes.
  4. Hello and Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy it!
  5. I agree with ps1 and patusai to ask and see if you even have ranks. It is possible that you don't and it is possible that you do have ranks... Good Luck!
  6. it is a e-mail that is a google thing... So hopefully that answers your question...
  7. Congrats! Red J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. hello and welcome Kevin
  9. I heard something simaler to that one... It went, Yo mama is so fat when she went into the shower she used up all the hot water before it got to her feet
  10. Hi bbk2132 , and welcome to KF!
  11. Hello Miriam! Welcome to the forums! Enjoy the posts!
  12. Hello, and welcome to KarateForums. Enjoy!
  13. Like rust and loose chains like that, Shotokankid?
  14. Thank you NeoMstrSgt
  15. Doesn't anyone agree with me?????
  16. How do u get XBOX live?
  17. I have a MONGOOSE 21 SPEED
  18. Hey, I was just wondering if anyone plays Halo and likes it? I just got an XBOX and Halo 2. It is the best!!
  19. It may sound weird but I don't like that game. I think it is very boring.
  20. Count me in! I like Green Tea, and Echinecea.
  21. No idea, I guess the guy scored a point for the other kid Lol still funny!!! I keep dreaming about it and thinking about it! LOL
  22. Hahahaha! Lol lol lol lol! SO FUNNY! At the second to last clip, why did the kid kick him you know where???
  23. Does anyone here know your Mamma's jokes? I got one: your Momma is so fat that she was Baptised at Sea World!
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