(OVINE: wushu is also used as a term for MA in China.) There is a standard salutation recognized by almost every kung fu school. I don't mean to repeat the hand motions because everyone has said it a billion times but i'm going to add the leg movement of the mostly acknowledged salutation: You start out with feet together left palm touching or spaced ( either way it doesn't matter I do it space a bout 1.5" because i was tought that way) and elbows out, at the left breast/heart. Bring this accross to the right breast and step into a dragon stance with the right foot (for those who don't know: keep left in same erect position, turn right foot facing the side and step it out not too much but just enough. Just make it comfortable). then bring left foot out into an empty stance and extend both the palm and fist in front of you in the center ( the reason i like it slightly spaced is because at this point i can fully extend my arms with out seperating my hands or moving them closer, without opening myself up (i'm also including the movements laced into it). Next while still in empty stance, while bringing hands to about sash level close left hand into a fist. your fists should be facing eachother, with thumb and fingers side of fists facing the floor. you should be looking at your backhand and knuckles. then roll them into chamber and step the left foot back from empty and right back from dragon before the chamber is complete. Your roll should be at least at breast level because the move here is that when you brought your fists down you were knocking down a push or a double punch and then the role is a counter strike.