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Maciej's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Have any of you guys watched it. It included clips of the HK rooftop kung fu challenge fights of yesturday. I heard you can get a dvd of the show if you missed it. [ This Message was edited by: Maciej on 2002-07-03 03:59 ]
  2. [Edited by Admin: Link removed.] [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2002-05-08 20:41 ]
  3. Here's what they listed as the top 10 martial arts in the world: 10. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu- wrestling/joint locks 9. Kali- stick fighting 8. Krav Maga- military/weapons defense 7. Tae Kwon-Do- way of kicking and punching 6. Aikido- force and motion art/samurai 5. Juko-Kai- combat ki/taking hits 4. Ninjutsu- way of the ninja/stealth 3. Muay Thai Kickboxing- training shin kicks 2. Karate- everyone knows what this is, Japanese way of open fist 1. Shaolin Kung Fu- a style of gung fu, ah yeah, a Chinese martial art... monks with weapons using chi There you have it according to TLC... the one that interested me the most was Juko-Kai, those guys could take hits anywhere and not even care. [ This Message was edited by: Maciej on 2002-04-08 01:08 ]
  4. Anyone seen it/watching it?
  5. Hey guys - this is pretty good. It's a tough one - see if you can figure out what's wrong in this picture. http://www.etards.net/whatswrong.swf
  6. Not shure if this has been posted before (if it has I hope I added some new ones) grabbed this from another site......pretty funny, lets add on Signs that you are in a McDojo/McDojang - Joke ------------------------------------------- 1) You ask the instructor about Wing Chun, and he tells you he has only watched The West Wing 2) You ask him if he knows Choy Lee Fut, and he tells you that he doesn't know anyone in Chinatown that answers by that name 3) You ask him if you can learn Drunken, and he tells you he doesn't care if you train while drunk or sober 4) He teaches Tae Kwon Do based on Billy Blanks "Tae-Bo" video tapes 5) How fast you attain a black belt depends on how fast he gets his new Porsche 6) The length of your contract is proportional to the duration he needs to save up to see his kids through college 7) He has a photocopied autograph of Steven Seegal on the wall. The only thing that gets bruised after the lesson is your wallet 9) He teaches you everything about being a Street Fighter. 2 years later, you are a great Street Fighter. You know how to use Ryu, Ken, Guile, Dhalsim, Chun Li ............ 10) You need to buy different sets of uniform for Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn. 11) you ask your sifu if you need to bring protection for class, and he replies, "depends on which team you bat for." 12) sifu's idea of a lion dance? drunken trips to the zoo and busting moves in front of the cat cages before security hauls him away. 13) the only heavy bag in the building is the enormous homeless woman that is trying to get squatter's rights with your sifu. 14)They tell you it's kung fu, but the instructor's certificate is signed by the international kempo association. 15)No one is allowed to watch your classes, and you're forced to sign something that prevents you from teaching anyone the techniques (so no one can see how fake it is!) 16)They spend 5 minutes of your lesson telling you about the latest products they have to offer that will "help you along with your training". 17)You are female and are not allowed to wear a uniform, or anything for your first lesson or two... 18)You are female and your school begins a 'new' regimen of grappling.... 19)You are male and your new school begins a 'new' regimen of grappling..... 20)Your Sifus name is Ralek! 21)If your instructor uses Tekken to demonstrate techniques. 22)If your instructor uses Final Fight to demonstrate multiple opponent techniques. 23)One of the pictures you pay your respect to is of the instructor's real estate agent. 24)Your instructor loses a challenge match and says he lost on purpose to show how humble he is, but that he really could have beaten the guy if he wanted to. 25)when you spar with your instructor, he always manages to get a hold of your wallet. Star Wars Related: 1)Your instructor dresses like Obi One and constantly refers 'Using the force' whilst performing movements. 2)You have forms for a lightsaber. 3)Your linage chart contains Yoda 4)Apperently none of the students show the potencial of a mysterious man by the name of 'Luke'. 5)The head instructor is refered to as a Jedi 6)Your greatest enemy is appently a 'Sith' [ This Message was edited by: Maciej on 2002-03-15 03:12 ]
  7. " A devastating accident, that will forever change our days of menstruation, has occurred. On Sunday, March 10, 2002 the 13 year old Patty Wings was taking an innocent swim at the local indoor pool, not knowing who else lurked beneath the waters. Ex-convict Tammy Pax had just been released from the PMS Prison (Precocious Mommas of Southington), and was released after a kind young woman in need bailed her out. Tammy was out for revenge against all her enemies, of course Patty being one of them. As Patty dove under the water after jumping off of the high dive, Tammy layed, sprawled out, just below the water level. As Patty came up for air, Tammy went into her mouth and preceded to choke Patty to death. Patty tried and tried to remove the foreign object from her throat, but Tammy would simply not move. By the time a lifegurad got to her, it was too late. Patty had died from lack of oxygen, and Tammy had floated away to safety once again. Others who have seen Tammy Pax have helped police make a sketch of her, which will hopefully lead her back to the ladies' room toilet, where she belongs. Tammy is approximately 4 inches in height, 1 centimeter wide, and only weighs around 2 ounces. She is extremely pale, but blushes quite easily. Tammy Pax could be hiding out anywhere, from your local drugstore to the bathroom, and my even be using a women to hide her. If you have any information regarding Tammy Pax, please call 1-800-CALL-TOM."
  8. At Phil Redmonds web site they say there are 116 movements on the mook.Originaly there were 124 movements in the form but yip man deleted the 7th and 8th section because they were to deadly!??!So he breaks down the count of movements in each section of the form. First 3 sections have 20 movements each-total 60, section 4 and 5 have 15 movements in each-total 30, section 6 and 7 -10 movements in each total-20 movements, and section 8-14 movements. ok that adds up to 124 allright,but supposidly yip removed the 7th and 8th section, section 7 total -10 movements , section 8-total 14 movements, so 10+14=24, so if you subtract the 24 "removed deadly techniques"from the 124 original movements you get a 100 movement wooden dummy form not 116movement wooden dummy form.
  9. LOL. This is tooooooooo funny. [ This Message was edited by: Maciej on 2002-03-08 02:28 ]
  10. Had to pass this one along. http://www.skop.com/brucelee/brucelee.htm
  11. this is pretty funny as well, in a crazy way. http://www.realultimatepower.net/ [ This Message was edited by: Maciej on 2002-03-07 16:56 ]
  12. I think that Website is a joke, it is funny as hell. Quote: February 23, 2000 So I got a call from Jennifer Lopez's ass. Seriously - her ass called me. We reconciled and Jennifer's ass hired me to protect her from any trouble at the Grammy Awards. Needless to say, it was my best job to date...
  13. http://www.ninja4hire.com You can now officially hire your own personal Ninjas, on the easy and convinient way of the cyberworld.
  14. Yea but they make moves up along as they go. Which means they must have some skills to entertain and keep it fresh. Also look at all those flying moonsaults, and spins. You can't say it isn't entertaining. If you do it for a long time I bet it would drain your strengh too. Some of those guys could probably do good in competitions, like Kurt Angle the undefeated Gold Medalist. But I thought it was better in the mid and early ninties where they had coooler gimmicks, and more cartooney appeal. They had just and righteous characters who foughjt evil ones, and I remember when Hulk used to say Eat your vitimins, say your prayers, study hard, and train.
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