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Everything posted by julien

  1. Name on one side, style/organization on the other.
  2. actually thats not a myth we do it at my dojo. because its true. even now i've been told at white belt w/ black tip level i could put someone in a coma so what will i be like when i get to black belt...just with a kizami i could kill someone. and so could half the BB at my dojo. in australia its a legal thing You're kidding right? This happens in Australia? Wow, I'm glad I don't live there. What about the other MA like thai boxing, jujitsu etc.? Do they have to register their fists too? If I have a black belt in Origami, do I have to register my fingers as deadly weapons too?
  3. Okinawan karate focuses more on self defense and tradition. Japanese karate and American/European has more emphasis on sports and competitions and training is geared towards that. Classes in Okinawa tend to be more informal, with students practising in small groups and classes in Japan and rest of the world tend to be more formal, more emphasis on drills etc. Just my two cents. This is of course just a generalization. Hopefully this helps.
  4. I'm thinking of opening a full-time martial arts gym, the commercial kind, with nice mats, punching bags, shower rooms etc. One problem I'm facing, apart from finding a suitable location, is instructors. I have 20 years of Karate and Kickboxing and I can teach a few classes but I am probably going to need at least 4 or 5 more instructors to teach my classes. My question to all you MA or MMA gym owners/instructors is this: How does a gym owner normally pay full-time instructors? 1)Fixed salary?, 2)Per hourly basis or 3)Basic salary + commisson/pro rata based on number of students? What do you guys do? How do you keep a commercial MA/MMA gym profitable and avoid having to spend a huge portion of costs on instructors? Any advice will be great, tks!
  5. Why not try out both schools and see which you prefer?
  6. I think this is purely a myth, like 'having to register your fists as a deadly weapon when you become a blackbelt'.
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