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Everything posted by ApHoTiC

  1. Thanks for all your help guys, i will contact them and see if i can go and watch a few classes
  2. If any of you care to look.. This is the only uechi ryu place near me http://www.uechiryukarateacademy.com/ And thanks for the input!
  3. Has anyone heard of this? I was thinking of getting into it and i was wondering if anyone knew about it. Does it use circular movements for blocks like kung fu, or a more direct approach? ALL info is greatly appreciated
  4. like flips and flashy kicks? check out https://www.teamryouko.com For some help on learning... https://www.trickstutorials.com
  5. Does anyone know of this art? It seems appealing to me and i'd like to know from veterans if they like it
  6. I have been looking into aikido, but im not sure on the grounds that it covers. Is it more of a grabing and throwing style? Help me out with a little info on aikido. Here is a place near me if any of you would care to look http://aikidosuimei.com/ . You guys have been a great help. Thanks alot!
  7. Click Here for some places near me to help me pick. doesnt seem as if there are any kendo places near me (unless i missed one)
  8. Ok ill do a search and see if theres an aikido place near me. Thanks for the advise!
  9. Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately, i don't think there is any places for Ninjitsu in my area
  10. Hey guys. I was wondering if you could help me out in choosing what i should learn. I live in Pennsylvania, USA in Montgomery county. Im 16 years old, athletic, im a mellow kind of guy, but i also push myself to get better. I am very interested in learning skills that involes weapons (swords, tantos, etc). I'm not very easily annoyed, easily coachable, and im not a quitter. I was told before to take up Ninjitsu or aikido, but i don't know what these arts would cover. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
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