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Everything posted by Cactusjack

  1. Luckyboxer..not sure if you were responding to my post directly..or just generally to all the posts. For Police work...It's likely to hit the ground. This (as I said before) is a seperate situation. Different factors involved. For street fights..who knows..I've seen the whole range from fairly impressive- to basically sloppy/* embarassing attempts at a real fight...stand, ground, up and down... I would also prefer to stay on my feet- or at least when possible. I still wanna know all my ranges....but I'd rather try /regain my feet, than resort to a guard every time....
  2. Per police statistics...that was what I'm getting at ...it's hard to refer to them for other world situations. Again...you have to cuff them sooner of later...thus alot of the time it may END up grounded, and thus be reported that way. It's almost impossible to handcuff a resistent subject standing up- also in a lot of places..theres snow and Ice for 4-5 months of the year...its also likely to go to the ground- desired or not. Of course I agree that they almost exclusively begin standing....but theres a good/reliable chance its hitting the ground at some point. You'll either knock him down...pull him to the ground, or stumble over a fence, curb, bush, uneven ground ect. Even if it's the last stage of the confrontation..it's still ground fighting. Thus In my opinion..you better know both- well, and you better train to get back up fast.
  3. Per the stats of Police reports showing 75% of fights are standup..... I've seen many Police/studies showing 70-90% (police confrontations) going to the ground. Police needs are often different...the likely ultimate objective is restraining (for the majority of confrontations) ...your fighting to get cuffs on....thats often easier on the ground ..against a car ect...so I think these types of reports are kind of unique/seperate from street assaults ect.
  4. ..as a diehard MMA fan and BJJ lover...I dont think he was getting at none of the UFC tops being grapplers....but I have noticed a shift in the ability of guys to really avoid the takedowns, alot more fights have been standup. I'm trying to balance a 2:1 ratio -- Striking to grappling, but I'm gearing for more street focused confrontations.... You def'n need both. personally, I want to duplicate Liddel's ability to survive on the ground..but regain your feet when possible....he's a freak.
  5. Yes...fairly consistantly to varying degrees over the past 12 yrs or so. I find it has a real stress effect on my body ect. To me this shows just how stresfull or taxing theses types of sitations are on the human body. You may not notice each time how it takes a toll...but over time.... It's when I stopped training..took layoff...that i'd find I'd encounter a bad situation- where I'd scrape by with a healthy dose of luck. Then I'd run back to the gym and resume training with a feverish intensity..lol I'll never take a layoff again.
  6. couldn't agree more. Next time your at your school ..look around. Theres going to be some 20 yr old kid..who's too skinny, with a hesitation to him- brown belt. Next is a 40 yr old house wife...out of shape..no muscular power- red belt. Theres the guys whos 45 yrs...way too fat..smoker...black belt...never trains outside the club. They know there's kicks and moves...there Kata, and there #'s in Japanese...but they have never been tested. They have no idea if they could land a punch- what it really feels like to be hit ect. 1st time in the real *..panic will set in. Happens to all of us. They will doubt themselves...when the adreniline causes them to feel fear-/fight/flight. Unfortunately....in most schools to survive in this day age...Instructors must balance the school for all who attend. Only constant exposure to reaching the fight/flight stages...and learning your weaknesses 1st hand, can really prepare you. (along with proper training of course) Again exc post!
  7. I've trained various- for 15 yrs or so. I had been doing mostly grappling of late, and realized I needed/wanted to keep up on my stand-up. I visited and tried (weeks) various schools from WC to TKD to other Karate styles. Personally I didn't like any of them (no offence) I tried a Kyokushin school, and thought it was great. I've since joined and it is my primary training art now. They incorporate a lot of Clinch/takedown stuff as well. I do have a well rounded and competent teacher tho...which makes a difference for sure. I would highly recommend it. And I agree it goes well with my past MT- western Kickboxing I had done prior.
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