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  • Interests
    martial arts (duh!), reading, writing, acting, taking pictures, skiing
  • Occupation
    graphic designer

Whitestar's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I would like to train in a martial arts that deal with multiple opponents. Which one/s would be the best choice? Whitestar
  2. Has anyone ever heard of Jukado? It is a combination of Judo, Karate, Kung Fu and Akido. I would like to know if anyone has train in this style and what it offers. 1) How many people here have train in Jukado? 2) Is it practical on the streets? 3) Is it true that Jukado is more rounded than Judo? Whitestar
  3. When I was a kid I used to study Judo in New York but I quit after I received my yellow belt. Then by the time I was in high school, I decided to give karate a shot. The class I took was way under budget because my instructor was unable to provide his students with uniforms. Anyway, once I graduated high school, I moved with my family to Florida, but my interest in martial arts never faded. Now after many years, I am seriously considering taking up martial arts once again. The thing is, there are literally hundreds of martial arts out there that it can be a bit overwhelming as to which one to choose. I understand all too well that there is no such thing as "the best martial art" or the ultimate technique. The only thing that is effective is the martial artist/fighter, not the martial art itself. I do know that the type of martial art I would like to learn is simply self-defense. I am not interested in philosophy or enlightenment, until I know how to efficiently defend myself first. I made up a list of things I'm interested in studying: Judo, Brazilian Ju Jutsu, Kempo, Kali, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Jeet Keen Do, Ba Gua Zhang, Krav Maga and Haganah. 1) What are the pros and cons of the martial arts I just listed? I'm also very interested in cross-training because no martial art is the best or complete. Therefore, it's impossible to know the hundreds of martial arts out there. 2) How many martial arts can a person hope to learn? Whitestar
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