When I was a kid I used to study Judo in New York but I quit after I received my yellow belt. Then by the time I was in high school, I decided to give karate a shot. The class I took was way under budget because my instructor was unable to provide his students with uniforms. Anyway, once I graduated high school, I moved with my family to Florida, but my interest in martial arts never faded. Now after many years, I am seriously considering taking up martial arts once again. The thing is, there are literally hundreds of martial arts out there that it can be a bit overwhelming as to which one to choose. I understand all too well that there is no such thing as "the best martial art" or the ultimate technique. The only thing that is effective is the martial artist/fighter, not the martial art itself. I do know that the type of martial art I would like to learn is simply self-defense. I am not interested in philosophy or enlightenment, until I know how to efficiently defend myself first. I made up a list of things I'm interested in studying: Judo, Brazilian Ju Jutsu, Kempo, Kali, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Jeet Keen Do, Ba Gua Zhang, Krav Maga and Haganah. 1) What are the pros and cons of the martial arts I just listed? I'm also very interested in cross-training because no martial art is the best or complete. Therefore, it's impossible to know the hundreds of martial arts out there. 2) How many martial arts can a person hope to learn? Whitestar