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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan Karate

Khan's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Does anybody know of any Jeet Kun Do clubs in Telford UK? I do Shotokan, but I'd like to start JKD as well.
  2. I don't personally believe that Shotokan karate is to effective, however it is great for tournaments and things like that. I have been training in Saishu Ryu Karate Jitsu under Sensei Eric Whitsell and it is very impressive. I trained in Shotokan for nearly 15 years, and in 5 minutes I was on my back and couldn't figure out what happened. If anyone is looking for a good hybrid art that is traditional and not traditional at the same time you should really look into Saishu Ryu. Very good stuff. Tomo You were in a McDojo, when you went to the Saishu Ryu Karate Jitsu club, the sensei wasn't the McDojo type of guy.
  3. I made my 4th Kyu today under sensei's Kanazawa, Nobuwaka and Mirawaki! I wanted to ask how much harder it is to grade for 3rd kyu than the other belts, because I'm actually quite scared about reaching brown belt. Not failing, but making brown belt and then not being able to progress because I get stuck at brown belt.
  4. It was hard. I was really nervous for most of it, until of course it was my turn to go for the kata and kihon, then my nerves seemed to dissapear. My hands seemed to just move, I didn't think about it then but the more I think about it now the more I think, "How did I do that!?" But, its good, I passed my granding and am now purple belt shotokan karate-ka.
  5. My current belt is green (6th Kyu - Shotokan) but I'm going for 5th Kyu (Purple) next saturday.
  6. I don't think I'd care either way.
  7. I would invent a style that incorporates strong yet agile movements. It would concentrate heavily on improving reaction speed, and making your forearms and shins stronger for blocking. Its main arsenal would be punching, then joint attacks, (knees, headbutts, elbows,) and then grappling. Kicks would be taught to never be thrown higher than the stomach, and to never be thrown in situations where you are in an enclosed space.
  8. I know why I'm angry, but its the rage, its consuming me. Take for instance this situation at school, (I'm in secondary school.) There's a kid called James, quite big, could probably take me, but I think I'd give it a good go. He plays football [soccer] and as a result thinks he's extremely tough and can beat up anyone. He used to be quite good friends with me, but recently he's been saying rude and hurtful remarks about me. He's got a 'crew' called HNIC filled with other football players who follow him like sheep, to make fun of this me and a few other friends that don't like him made up a crew called FJC. Now things are escalating, they've been making fun of us in front of the girls, saying it to people that would make sure it got back to us. James has been talking about having a fight with us, well, not us, mainly me. I understand that it goes against martial arts code to fight against him, but he deserves a beating. Some of the things that he's said are beyond apology. I have a certain family situation thats been going on for 9 years, (its the cause of my anger,) and he has the cheek, the nerve, the arrogance to make fun of me because of this. I can feel my anger rise as I type this, and I want to punch him even more. If I do end up fighting him, the cops would probably be called. I don't want that, but I know that if he keep saying stuff I'm going to hit him. ^That above story is an example of my anger controlling me. I know that if I fight this lad then I'll get in more trouble than him, but my anger is swaying me completely to this side. I can't control it. [/i]
  9. I have a lot of anger. For reasons that I cannot explain, I seem to have rage bursts, wherein I just explode in moments of anger. Its starting to interfere with my training, making me arrogant. I'm starting to second guess what the sensei is saying, not out loud, but in my mind. I need a way to control my anger, because its starting to interfere with my life, school, family, friends etc. BTW I'm 6th Kyu Shotokan Karate-ka
  10. I think its because the west simply doesn't see the practicality in doing kata's. I think that they find that Kata's are just ways of testing your skills, but if you don't practise those skills against another human, then how will you know what it feels like when you get in the street?
  11. Does anyone know of any Capoeira schools in Telford?
  12. Actually there are a lot of people like that, in my old area there was a tak soo kwong or something teacher who encouraged his students to start trouble in other clubs, he said things like, "its a good way to practice street fighting."
  13. Those are pretty good credentials, but for an introduction lesson you have to pay $15.00? Jesus Christ.
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