Well... in order fully emphasize a totally sound response (at least in this situation) I must ask you what you mean as sparring. Do you mean sparring as in like 1 step sparring where somone would throw you a pinch or kick, hammer, chop, grab, etc.... and you would just counter it and take him down. Or do you mean free sparring where the fight goes on until someone goes down. Im my Swoon, there is free sparrin with such sorts except it is sort of watered down. If you gouge his eyes out, dont really gouge the eyes, If you break the arm, dont hit it hard and break it, dont really break his neck - let go before he falls down and etc... You may find this contorversial (to san soo practitioners and many others) especially depending on your background, in this art or any other style. We also have the one step sparring where we just practice the specific technique we were taught, and sparring where we throw eachother combinations that we need to block (in the first attack, second, or third, depending if your quick enough, If you never block the other may stop or keep going, but in this type of sparring, not free' , one person is the attacker and the other the defender) ranging from 1- whatever number, of kicks, punches or any mix. I myself have ben taught by 2 first generation masters (students of Chin Lo Si Fu, or Jimmy Woo as he is commonly called) and 2 second generation masters. Masters meaning thery have obtained the highest level in the Art of San Soo. I have also found many similarities with san soo and other arts, naming specifically, the styles found in Kung Fu. And to answer the post, yes, I have proven myself in many fights. Explaining why, Im the only white kid in a primarily mexican poor neighborhood. sorry if this was kinda run on, lots of SP errors, and doesnt make much sense, but hey, what more can you expect from a thirteen year old.