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  • Martial Art(s)
    Gun Sau, grappling, some FMA

GunFu's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Yeah, it's so weird - I keep posting on different forums and it's like half the people just do not get the "game" side of it and assume I'm nuts The martial arts people keep saying "this would never work on the street", the airsoft people keep saying "never try that at a tournament" etc. I think some people are just so wrapped up in their own worlds that they have a hard time getting a new idea. Anyway for the record Gun Sau is a martial SPORT or GAME based on a fight scene from a science fiction movie. It has nothing to do with real guns or real self defense, its played with harmless lazertag guns or pump-action waterpistols. The aim of Gun Sau is to play hard, have fun and develop skills while keepinjg some of the flavour and flashiness of movie fight scenes. Thanks, GunFu
  2. Yeah, the guns we got are great but too high tech so we are looking at something simpler. Anyway it would be great if anyone is interested in joining our Forum and helping to develop the art. http://www.setbb.com/phpbb/?mforum=gunsau
  3. We just picked up some LazerTag guns for Gun Sau training. $150 and probably way more high-tech than we really need but these babies have heads-up displays,built in computers, etc. Haven't tried them for Gun Sau training yet because we will need to modify them, but I'll post here when we do.
  4. It's more like chi sau/trapping hands with pistols. It's kind of hard to explain unless you've seen the movie; two guys at point-blank range, both armed with handguns, using lots of complex parries/counter-parries/traps/etc. to get a clear shot at each other. It's all about keeping the other guy's gun away from your targets while trying to get your own gun on-line. To play it as a game you have to stick to certain rules like not just pulling the gun back to your hip and blasting away, limited targets (head and chest), etc.
  5. Oh yeah, we can do that too BTW we are now looking into using lazer-tag guns for Gun Sau training. So far we've been using water pistols etc. which actually work pretty well for what we're doing but there are obvious problems. The lazer-tag gear looks EXCELLENT - can't wait to try it out.
  6. Yeah, it's kind of a joke - "Gun Sau" as in chi sau, lop sau, pak sau etc. But the martial art in the movie was called "Gun Kata" so I figured why not go that way? The main difference is that in the movie they could basically dodge bullets, which was fun but (guess what) pretty unrealistic even as a game, so we are basing Gun Sau just of the last figth scene where they are doing close-range gunfighting. Have you seen the movie? It's very cool.
  7. Good point about the power ... yeah, I meant that the power for sweeps, parries etc. comes more from a stance-shift more than just from the arm muscles. I know there are typos all over the place ... sigh ... I get carried away and I type way too fast. I'll fix 'em. Thanks for the props! GunFu
  8. Hi everyone, I am new here, ten years of MA training and a big fan of the sci-fi movie Equilibrium. We have invented a new martial sport based on one of the fight scenes in the movie which involves close quarters fighting with safe "guns". Note that this is just a game for fun and exefcise,it is not meant for real self defense. Anyway because this is all new we woudl like some feedback on our website and on the Gun Sau idea. The website is at http://www.gunkata.freeservers.com . Thanks! GunFu
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