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Everything posted by krzychicano

  1. Welcome to KF and enjoy the forums.
  2. I agree with that.
  3. If this event does happen please take pictures and post them here for all of us to see.
  4. Dude you got robbed twice in one year that is just crazy.
  5. nah I love mardi gras!
  6. I would stand up for people that were weaker than others if the time came to it but to give your life for someone...it would really have to be justified and I would really have to believe in the cause just like any true warrior no true warrior would just give his life to give his life. A warrior is smart not stupid.
  7. Kuk Sool Won is such an extensive system that focuses on everything I don't really see the need why someone would want to integrate other arts into it.
  8. Don't do it your just asking for trouble.
  9. I don't think small children should break boards but then again if they are advancing the same as the older students then they should be treated the same as far as testing goes. But what I mean by younger students is 4 to about 7.
  10. I use the same and it is great.
  11. I havent read any but I play all his games!
  12. wow that sucks hope they find your friends belongings
  13. uh you must not be a normal man to say pamela is not hot Jessica is still nasty though.
  14. Lowering the standards?
  15. Never heard of it do you know when exactly it will come on or where I can research it?
  16. Good luck on your testing also UechiRyuWarriorPrincess. Let us know how it goes!
  17. hahahah that is pretty funny I am sure those two police officers are feeling pretty bad right now haha
  18. I think he is in texas I am considering going down and watching this guy so I can give you all an update on how it is.
  19. Wow I never knew that thnx for the update.
  20. My motivation is to constantly be the best at anything I start and for me that is always enough
  21. I never have but I love watching my head instructor beat up on the other instructors during promotions and demonstrations
  22. Welcome to KF and enjoy the forums.
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