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Dark Shogun

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Everything posted by Dark Shogun

  1. I do kenjutsu as part of the curriculum for Shinto Muso Ryu Jo. I also do iai, which is a sword art starting with sword in it's scabard. I live in Australia, sorry. Try going to https://www.e-budo.com and asking there.
  2. I think the best weapons are the kind which you can use one in each hand. You've got 2 hands, use 2 weapons. I like sai although they are not pracical to carry around. They are cheap however ($30.00 AUS each) so you can break them or ditch them in a hurry and not break the bank. You could mix and match different single-hand weapons.
  3. I don't think that western and eastern philosophy are incompatable as far as metaphysics is concearned. Philosophy of ethics and politics may be another matter.
  4. Thanks for the replies everyone. I asked the question becasuse I've recently been reading about karate history and about Soken Matsumura etc. So I got thinking on Shuri te, Shorin Ryu, Matsumura Ryu and all the other karate styles that are on the other side of the karate lineage from Naha te/Goju Ryu etc. The above may not make sense, in any case, thanks again.
  5. I've had a read through some other parts of the site. The author seems to have a lot of sokes and shihans. That aside, what about the article?
  6. What does everyone think of this? https://www.kempo.4mg.com/articles/okinawan.htm
  7. Thanks dingyuan, I study Okinawan Goju Ryu but I also studied Shotokan for a year. I much prefer Goju Ryu to Shotokan so, if Shorin Ryu is similar to Shotokan I think I would prefer Goju Ryu.
  8. So did the Jigen Ryu kenjutsu that Matsumura studeid have any jujutsu or other arts attached to it?
  9. I've been wondering about this for some time...
  10. I found a group that seem to practice Jigen Ryu jujutsu and iaijutsu. I think the site is in German so cannot tell if it is Jigen Ryu jujutsu or some other jujutsu. Any pop, if this is Jigen Ryu jujutsu and it is practiced along side a Jigen Ryu sword art, then it is possible that Matsumura learned it. I do not know if he would have had menkyo in jujutsu. I read also that the Satsuma instructed their pesants in the use of bo, jo and eiku. These are all 'Okinawan' type weapons.
  11. Afternoon all, Oh me, me, I'm an Okinawan Goju Ryu guy!
  12. Hmmm...good point. I guess if there was any Jigen Ryu in Shorin Ryu it's influence would be minimal compared to the Chinese influence. Plus I read somwhere that he said something like "Jujutsu is better suited to women" or something like that.
  13. Soken Matsumura, studied Jigen Ryu in Kyushu and returned to Okinawa to found Shuri te. He had menkyo(spelling?) in Jigen Ryu kenjutsu but I do not know if he studied jujutsu. Thus Jigen Ryu would have influenced every karate style decended from the Shuri te lineage. Could this influence of Soken Matsumura have extended to Nah te?
  14. What about the influence jujutsu and other Japanese MA on old okinawan fighting methods. Remember, Okinawa was occupied buy the Japanese from about 1600ish. The Japanese must have had some influence, if not on karate, on it's predecessors.
  15. Thanks ninjanurse, Ted and aefibird.
  16. Thanks for the info Shane, Do you have any information on specific techniques or ryu? Thanks again.
  17. We often hear about Chinese influence on the development of karate such as white crane and monk fist boxing etc. Dose anybody have any information on what jujutsu Ryu influenced the development of karate? We already know about Wado Ryu, what influence may jujutsu have had on Goju Ryu for example? What about jujutsu influence on Naha te?
  18. Noy my first post coz I've already posted once however... I'm Liam or 'Dark Shogun' as I am called on the internet and stuff like that. I've been doing karate for a number of years, Goju Ryu, Shotokan, Shito Ryu, Shukokai, Koryu Uchinadi and full circle back to Goju Ryu. I've also done some kendo and am currently doing Shinto Muso Ryu jo and Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu iai. You can also find me on other forums such as e-budo, gojuforums, swordforum and dreamersofdune. So...I guess I chat to you later...maybe. Ta.
  19. Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and I've been looking for an excuse for a first post so I decided this is as good a reason as any. A work mate of mine wants to start karate. She had a look on the internet about it and of course was confused with all te diferent styles and organiations. So she asked me about it. I'm not sure what to tell her but I supose I will advise her to look at the dojos in her local area and join the one she enjoys i guess. I should have asked why she wanted to study karate (self defence, sport, fitness, fashon etc). In any event, hi I'm Liam ex Shito Ryu now Goju Ryu.
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